Working Mother How To Be A Good Mother

The responsibilities of a mother cannot be defined, nor can any conclusion be given about how to be a good mother. With time, even domestic and working mothers learn to fulfill their motherly responsibilities on their own.

However, in the beginning, a working mother may face some difficulties in how to take care of children compared to a stay-at-home mother. ArticleSpringer is giving some special tips on Mother’s Day for working mothers on how to be a good mother and how to take care of children at home and office as well.

How should a working mother take care of children?

Read some special tips on Mother’s Day and know how a working mother can become a good mother.

1. How to be a good mother – Set your priorities

Before the day starts, decide what you have to do throughout the day. After this, make a list of which work needs to be done first and which work needs to be done later. Similarly, if any work can be postponed to the next day or on the weekend, then it can also be postponed. Just keep in mind that you should include both home and office work equally in your priorities.

2. How to be a good mother – Make a habit of multitasking skills

One answer to how to be a good mother is to develop multitasking skills. For example, cleaning the bathroom while taking a bath, washing clothes in the washing machine while preparing lunch, planning dinner while teaching children and discussing with the child and partner what to make for breakfast and lunch while sleeping.

3. How to be a good mother – Make yourself flexible

How should a working mother take care of children? If you want to prepare yourself for this, it would be better to make yourself flexible. For example, preparing and eating food of the child’s choice instead of eating one’s favorites, choosing clothes that make nursing easier and suitable for going to the office, instead of fancy dressing.

4. How to take care of children for a working mother – Learn to use time properly

Do not waste much time in planning any work or plan. New mothers may receive calls throughout the day giving various types of advice, so do not spend too much time with them. In fact, you can take a nap during travel, for this you can even set an alarm on your phone. Similarly, you can also talk to friends and relatives during lunch break.

5. How should a working mother take care of children – take help from her husband and children

Take small help from your husband and children in household chores. Don’t hesitate about how other members of the house or neighbors will react to this. If possible, take your husband’s help in replying to office mail or preparing client projects.

6. Working Mother Tips – Maintain a balance between work and office

How should a working mother take care of children? For this, keep in mind that there is a balance between work and office. That is, do not talk too much about office or office work, nor keep your attention focused on household chores while in the office. With this, the new working mother will be able to give adequate time to her husband along with taking care of the child.

7. Spend quality time

Do not keep yourself entangled in office-home-office throughout the day. If possible, you can take the help of a maid to help you in household chores. But spend quality time with your child and family every day. Dinner time may be the best time for this. Therefore, try to finish office work on time and come home on time to have dinner with family and children.

8. Talk in the office

Be sure to tell your manager and HR about your early motherhood, so that they can get an idea of ​​how they might react to your journey. If possible, you can also request them to work from home for one or two days a week and can also talk about projects that can be done in the office instead of more hectic work.

9. Make a plan

Working Mother How to become a good mother, do everything according to your plan. For example, don’t go shopping, movies or dinner when you’re in a mood. Even if you have to go for shopping, movie or dinner, plan it in advance and proceed accordingly.

10. Create a routine for children

Make a daily routine for yourself as well as your children. Prepare your child’s daily routine based on what time he wakes up, what time he goes to school, and when and for how long he goes to play with friends. Along with playing, make a timetable for the child to determine how much time he will spend on studies.

11. Take help from a registered daycare center

If you have too much office work or have to go out for some work and cannot take the child with you, then seek help from a registered daycare center in your area. The staff present there are trained to take care of the children and the personal records of all the staff are maintained at the nearest police station.

In such a situation, before handing over the child to a registered daycare centre, make sure to check the records of the employee taking care of the child.

12. Share things with children

If the child is very stubborn and wants to stay only with the mother, then your situation regarding home and office responsibilities can be shared with the child. You can explain to him your daily schedule. With this, the child can easily understand what the mother is saying and can also reduce her insistence on staying only with the mother.

13. Call the child

Be sure to talk to your child on the phone during lunchtime in the office and when you leave the office. Be sure to talk to him about whether he ate food or not, how much homework he did and how his day was at school.

There is no doubt that the life of a working mother is full of many difficult decisions. Along with home and office, she also has to give full time to her husband and child. In such a situation, we hope that the tips given by us will be useful to you in this daily routine of how to become a good mother. If you are a working mother and devotes your time to taking care of children, then you can also share your suggestions with us through comments.

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