Which fruits should be eaten or not by sugar patients?

It is believed that eating fruits in diabetes increases the blood sugar level in the body and is not suitable for diabetic people. It is only a myth. Not every fruit increases the sugar levels in the body.

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), many fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and plant compound phytochemicals that help regulate blood sugar in the body. Along with this, it also reduces many other health risks associated with diabetes. Phytochemicals reduce the risk of many health problems, such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke, which are known to be associated with diabetes.

Fruits are rich in fiber. Fiber slows down the absorption of glucose in the body in diabetics, which leads to a gradual release of sugar in the body. Also, fiber satiates you in eating less, so that you do not feel hungry again and again. Eating less keeps your weight under control, which is very important for sugar control.

So, do you know which are the best fruits for diabetes? While some fruits are not good for your diabetes, there are many fruits that are effective in keeping your HbA1C under control as well as preventing your sugar levels from rising. Some such fruits are berries, citrus fruits, apricots, and apples etc. Along with keeping your blood pressure normal, this fruit also reduces inflammation.

However, fruits contain carbohydrates and a form of natural sugar called fructose, which can raise your blood sugar levels. But still, due to the nutrients present in fruits, it is very important to include them in your diet.

Just keep in mind that according to the amount of carbohydrate required for you, time and lifestyle, include fruits in your diet or diet. For this, you can take the help of a dietician or expert.

Following are some ways to include fruits in your diet

You can enjoy fruits even in diabetes by keeping in mind many such things like how, how much and at what time to eat fruits. Small steps can make a big difference in your blood sugar levels, so:

  • Pay attention to the amount of fruits you are eating. If you are eating them with dry fruits, remember that two tablespoons of raisins contain carbs equal to a small apple, so keep in mind the amount of fruits or its portion.
  • Always choose fresh or frozen fruit.
  • Processed fruit such as applesauce, syrup or juice, canned fruit are often higher in carbs and can raise your blood sugar more than fresh fruit.
  • When you eat dried or processed fruit, be sure to check the label for added sugar.
  • Don’t drink fruit juice. It contains more carbs and less fiber which spikes the sugar. Fruit juice increases the risk associated with type 2 diabetes.
  • Divide fruit into meals throughout the day. Have one with breakfast and the other with lunch as a snack.

Best fruit for sugar patients

Eating fiber-rich food can slow down the absorption of glucose in the body. This keeps blood sugar under control. Many fruits are high in fiber, especially those eaten with the skin or pulp. Also, fruits rich in fiber and water help in keeping your weight under control by calming your hunger quickly. Many types of health problems such as heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol and high blood pressure can be reduced by reducing obesity.

A person with diabetes should eat fruits with a low glycemic index (GI) to maintain blood sugar control.

GI is a rating of foods on a scale of 1 to 100. Its high score indicates how quickly food can raise blood sugar levels. For example, the body absorbs high-GI foods faster than medium or low-GI foods, leading to increased sugar levels.

Fruits with a low GI score are better for helping control blood sugar levels.
Let us know about good fruits for diabetes or diabetes:

1. Berries

Blueberries, strawberries, or any other type of berry is one of the best choices for people with diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), berries are a diabetes superfood because they are rich in antioxidants and fiber. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), one cup of fresh blueberries contains 84 calories and 21 grams (g) of carbohydrates. Fiber and antioxidants not only control your blood sugar level, but also reduce the risk of many serious diseases. You can include this delicious food in your diet with non-fat curd.

Nutritional Value of Berries (per serving):

nutrition in berries
Nutrients amount
calories 85 kcal
fat 0.5 g (0 g saturated)
carbs 21 grams
Sugar 15 grams
sodium 1 mg
fiber 3.6 grams
protein 1.1 grams
glycemic index less than 40 (low GI score)
glycemic load 3

2. Cherries

Cherries contain several antioxidants that reduce inflammation. These antioxidants can help fight heart disease, cancer and other diseases. It does not increase the sugar levels even after eating low GI food.

Nutritional Value of Cherries (per serving):

nutrition in cherries
Nutrients amount
calories 77 kcal
fat 0.5 g (0 g saturated)
carbs 19 grams
Sugar 13 grams
sodium 5 mg
fiber 2.5 grams
protein 1.6 grams
glycemic index less than 20 (low GI score)
glycemic load 6


3. Apricot

Apricot is a sweet summer fruit and a great option for your diabetes diet plan. According to the USDA, one apricot has only 17 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates, which do not raise blood sugar. It is rich in fiber which is good for your digestive system as well as keeping the sugar levels low.

Nutritional Value of Apricots (per serving):

Nutrition in Apricots
Nutrients amount
calories 79 kcal
fat 0.6 g (0 g saturated)
carbs 18 grams
Sugar 15 grams
sodium 2 mg
fiber 3.3 grams
protein 2.3 grams
glycemic index 32
glycemic load 9


4. Oranges

Orange is a great source of Vitamin C which helps in boosting your immunity and reduces the risk of serious diseases like cancer, stroke and heart diseases by eliminating free radicals from the body. The good amount of folate and potassium in it keeps the blood pressure regular, which can prevent heart diseases associated with type 2 diabetes. Not only oranges but other citrus fruits like grapes etc. are also a good source of Vitamin C.

Nutritional Value of Oranges (per serving):

nutrition in oranges
Nutrients amount
calories 45 kcal
fat 0.1 g (0 g saturated)
carbs 11 grams
Sugar 09 grams
fiber 2.3 grams
protein 0.9 grams
glycemic index 40
glycemic load 5

5. Peaches

Juicy and aromatic peach is a summer fruit that can be included in a diabetic diet plan. It contains nutrients like vitamin C and potassium. Peaches cover 6% of the daily requirement of potassium which is considered good for overall health. It does not increase the sugar levels, so it can be sliced ​​or its smoothie with buttermilk, ice and cinnamon can be taken as a snack.

Nutritional Value of Peaches (per serving):

nutrition in oranges
Nutrients amount
calories 68 kcal
fat 0.4 g (0 g saturated)
carbs 17 grams
Sugar 15 grams
fiber 2.6 grams
protein 1.6 grams
glycemic index 42
glycemic load 5


6. Apples

An apple a day can keep the doctor away and the saying is absolutely true. Apple contains only 95 calories and 25 grams of carbs, which is a good snack or food option for diabetics. You can take it with you anywhere, whether in travel or the market. It is better to eat apple with its peel as it contains a good amount of antioxidants. Apple is also rich in fiber. It keeps your blood sugar normal.

Nutritional Value of Apple (per serving):

nutrition in apples
Nutrients amount
calories 95 kcal
fat 0.3 g (0 g saturated)
carbs 25 grams
Sugar 19 grams
fiber 4.4 grams
sodium 2 mg
protein 2.5 grams
glycemic index 38
glycemic load 5


7. Pear

Since pears are an excellent source of fiber, they can make for an excellent part of a diabetic diet plan. One medium-sized pear provides about 5.5 grams of fiber, which is 20% of the daily requirement. Fiber slows down the absorption of glucose in the body, due to which sugar reaches the bloodstream slowly and sugar levels remain under control. Store pears at room temperature until they are ripe and perfect to eat, then they can be kept in the refrigerator.

Nutritional Value of Pears (per serving):

nutrition in pears
Nutrients amount
calories 102 kcal
fat 0.2 g (0 g saturated)
carbs 27 grams
Sugar 17 grams
fiber 6 grams
sodium 2 mg
protein 0.6 grams
glycemic index 27
glycemic load 4


8. Kiwi

You can call Kiwi a powerhouse of nutrients. According to the USDA, one kiwi contains 215 milligrams of potassium (5 percent of the DV), 64 milligrams of vitamin C (71 percent of the DV) and 2 grams of fiber (8 percent of the DV). It contains a moderate amount of calories and carbs which makes it a smart option for your diabetes diet. Kiwi is a fruit available throughout the year. The fiber, vitamin C and potassium present in it keep blood sugar normal and reduce the risk of inflammation and serious diseases. These diseases are seen as risks associated with type 2 diabetes such as heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke etc. The antioxidants present in it also protect against cancer and many other serious diseases.

Nutritional Value of Kiwi (per serving):

nutrition in kiwi
Nutrients amount
calories 42 kcal
fat 0.4 g (0 g saturated)
carbs 10 grams
Sugar 06 grams
fiber 2.1 grams
sodium 2 mg
protein 0.8 grams
glycemic index 50
glycemic load 7.7

9. Angoor Or Grapes

Grapes are beneficial because of their nutritional profile. They are rich in copper which helps in energy production. Apart from this, Vitamin-K is also found in good quantity in it. It helps in the formation of blood clots, which means it helps in healing wounds. Along with this, it also helps in keeping the bones healthy. Grapes are also rich in fiber and do not raise sugar levels easily.
It is kept in low GI food and sugar in it is equal to no.

Nutritional Value of Grapes (per serving):

nutrition in grapes
Nutrients amount
calories 62 kcal
fat 0.3 g (0 g saturated)
carbs 16 grams
Sugar 15 grams
fiber 0.8 grams
sodium 2 mg
protein 0.6 grams
glycemic index 53
glycemic load 5


10. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are full of nutrients along with enhancing taste. These contain Vitamin C and other antioxidants which along with reducing the sugar level, remove many health problems. It also increases immunity. Eating a slice of lemon and mixing it in drinks gives a good taste along with its properties.

Low GI Fruits (20–49)

  • Apple
  • avocado
  • Blackberry
  • Cherry
  • grapefruit
  • peach
  • Rahila
  • Berry
  • Strawberries

Medium GI Fruits (50–69)

  • fig
  • grapes
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Common
  • Oranges
  • Raisin
  • Undercooked

Right time to eat fruits for diabetic patients?

If nutritionists are to be believed, they consider 1-4 pm to be the best time to eat fruits, especially for diabetics. It helps in maintaining the sugar level in the body, and digestion is also faster around this time.
Another thing is that if diabetics eat fruits around 1 pm, which is almost before lunch, they can also avoid overeating, which is usually responsible for a rise in sugar levels. it happens. This can also control their weight which is one of the reasons for the development of type 2 diabetes.

Which fruits should be avoided in sugar?

Fruits are an important source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, but they can sometimes be high in sugar. People with diabetes should keep a watch on fruits and the amount of sugar they contain to prevent their blood sugar levels from rising.
The glycemic index (GI) describes how much a particular food can raise a person’s blood sugar after eating it.
If a food’s GI score is between 70 and 100, it has a high sugar content. Fruits with high GI score increase your sugar level and harm diabetic people. Some of the fruits included in this category that sugar patients should avoid are:


The glycemic index of watermelon is high, between 70 and 100. Sugar is very high in these, so diabetes or diabetic people should not consume it.


Raisins are not a good choice of fruit for diabetic people. They contain high amounts of carbohydrates, which is not good for people with diabetes.


Pineapple can increase the blood sugar level of a person with diabetes because it is high in carbohydrates. It can increase the blood sugar level in the body so diabetic people should avoid eating it.

Overripe Bananas

Overripe bananas have a high sugar content and can cause a sudden spike in the blood sugar levels of a person with diabetes. The glycemic index score of this fruit is also high so people with diabetes should avoid it.
Apart from this, fruit juices, packed and processed fruits, canned and dry fruits also increase the sugar level. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests always checking the label and choosing packaged fruits without added sugar. Frozen fruits can be eaten in place of packaged or processed fruits.

List of Sugar Free Fruits:

  • Papaya
  • Cucumber
  • Lemon
  • Guava
  • avocado
  • grapefruit
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberry
  • Kiwi
  • tomato
  • peach
  • muskmelon


Fruits, in particular, are packed with essential nutrients that your body needs for everything from fighting inflammation to reducing your risk of other chronic diseases like cancer. Many fruits are eaten with peels, which are rich in fiber. Fruits also fulfill the lack of water and keep the person hydrated. The nutrients present in fruits protect the body from many diseases along with reducing the sugar level. They are packed with vitamins, fibre, minerals, proteins, plant compounds and antioxidants. This is very important for your overall health. That’s why diabetic people should include them in their diet plan by looking at their quantity and properties. For this you can take help from an expert.


1. Can we eat banana in diabetes?
Ans: Bananas can be part of a balanced diet for people with diabetes if eaten safely, in the right amounts and at the right times. Bananas are low in calories and contain a good amount of saturated fat, sodium, fiber, and other nutrients.
Bananas are also a major source of potassium which helps balance the sodium levels in the blood.
According to researchers, green or unripe bananas have a slower effect on blood sugar than ripe bananas.
Raw bananas contain more starch than ripe bananas. The body cannot break down starch as easily as the less complex sugars. Due to this, sugar is released slowly in the blood sugar and sugar levels are controlled. Hence raw bananas are a good option.

2. Which Indian fruit is good for a sugar patient?
Ans: Indian gooseberry or gooseberry, in particular, is loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols that are good for lowering blood sugar levels. Hence amla is a major ingredient added to many Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes. It is also included in home remedies.

3. Which fruits do not contain sugar?
Ans: There are many fruits that contain little or no sugar. They are known as diabetes-friendly fruits. These fruits are papaya, cucumber, lemon, guava, avocado, grapefruit, strawberry, blackberry, kiwi, tomato, peach, melon, etc.

4. Which fruits can be eaten by sugar patients?
Ans: A diabetic patient can eat fruits like berries, cherries, grapes, kiwi, apples, avocados, apricot, orange, peach, pear, papaya, etc. which are low GI fruits with low carb and high fiber content. The fiber present in them slows down the absorption of sugar from food, thereby controlling blood sugar levels. Many fruits have a high amount of fiber, especially in their peel and pulp, so it is better to eat such fruits along with the peel. Eating more fiber-rich food fills the stomach quickly and the person does not feel hungry again and again.
Diets rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of obesity, heart attack and stroke. Obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, which can be prevented or delayed by controlling it.
Therefore, include these foods full of fiber and nutrients in your diabetic diet plan.


The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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