What To Do If A Newborn Baby Has Hiccups?

When a newborn baby has hiccups, it becomes a matter of concern for the new mother whether it is normal or not. But the truth is that there is no need to worry about this, this process is normal. Even in the womb, babies hiccup, that too is a normal process. Just as adults face problems due to hiccups, similarly a baby also faces discomfort due to hiccups.

But there is a need to understand why a newborn baby gets hiccups or what to do in case of hiccups, the child will get relief from this problem. Apart from this, what methods should be applied to prevent the baby from hiccups? We understand that many such questions may arise in the mind of a new mother, so today we will talk further about why a newborn baby gets hiccups.

Why does a newborn baby get hiccups?

Perhaps you don’t know that hiccups are necessary for the baby’s brain development and breathing. This is one of his first habits. Anyway, even babies or adults do not have control over hiccups.

Hiccups are actually a reflux, which occurs when the diaphragm causes the vocal cords to open and close. Generally, this happens while eating and drinking.

Hiccups are common in babies, Newborn babies often have hiccups, which is a sign that the baby is healthy and developing properly.

What should be done if a newborn baby has hiccups?

Generally, children do not have problems like adults when they get hiccups, but it becomes difficult to eat and drink when they get hiccups. Usually, the problem of hiccups goes away on its own within 5-10 minutes, due to which treatment is not that necessary.

If the baby does not stop hiccups even after a few minutes, then you can try these measures-

  • The chances of hiccups can be reduced by burping the baby while feeding. Because burping removes excess gas from the stomach.
  • If you notice that your baby always hiccups during feeding, you may be feeding him too quickly. Slowing down the feeding speed may reduce the chance of your baby getting hiccups.
  • Feed milk only when your baby is calm. Try to feed your baby before he gets hungry and starts crying. If your baby is distressed during feeding, there may be irritation in the esophagus during feeding.
  • At the time of bottle feeding, the nipple of the bottle should be filled with milk. Reduce air in the nipple before feeding the baby. Excess air can make hiccups worse.
  • The size of the nipple should be right for the baby. If you bottle feed, make sure the nipple flow is not too fast or too slow for your baby.
  • There should be a good latch during breastfeeding, this reduces the chances of hiccups.

If your baby hasn’t stopped hiccupping for a very long time or if he or she seems uncomfortable while hiccupping, you may need to see a doctor.

Expert Tips: You know what to do when a newborn baby gets hiccups, but you should never forget that it is very important to wash hands after feeding the baby. And if the baby spits up milk while burping, then it should be cleaned with baby water wipes.

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