What should I avoid during pregnancy?

What Should Pregnant Avoid Doing: Many types of advice are given to women during pregnancy. Some people tell pregnant women to take a balanced diet, some say not to lift heavy weights, and some say drink plenty of water. Now the more people, the more advice and the more confusion. It is a long time ago when my sister-in-law was pregnant, the neighboring aunties used to say many things to her.

When my sister-in-law got a fever during pregnancy, an aunty said, “It’s no big deal, take paracetamol, and everything will be fine.” Aunty’s advice was listened to, but when sister-in-law asked the doctor to take paracetamol, he refused. The doctor gave some other medicine to my sister-in-law.

After this whole incident, I learned one thing that one should not just accept everyone’s opinion during pregnancy. After seeing many cases around my sister-in-law and myself, today I am going to tell you about 10 such things that should not be done during pregnancy.

Things to Avoid During Pregnancy

Internationally certified delivery and pregnancy health teacher Lakshmi Karthikeyan has shared information about what things women should not do during pregnancy on her Instagram.

1. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided during pregnancy. Women who consume alcohol and smoke during pregnancy are at risk of premature delivery. Due to this, the mental and physical development of the baby in the womb is also affected.

2. Medicines should not be taken during pregnancy without any medical advice. Lakshmi Karthikeyan says, if medicines are taken during pregnancy without consulting the doctor, it causes harm to the expectant mother and the baby in the womb. Sometimes such things also cause birth defects.

3. During pregnancy, there is a risk of falling due to excessive running, jumping or climbing heights. Which can prove harmful for both mother and child.

4. It is not advisable to remain hungry or fast for a long time during this critical period of 9 months. Being hungry for a long time during pregnancy has a bad effect on the baby in the womb.

5. In this situation, women are not advised to get tattoos or any kind of tattooing. Getting a tattoo during pregnancy increases the risk of infection in the baby.

6. Due to hormonal and physical changes, pregnant women are not advised to stand or sit in the same position for a long time. Experts say that pregnant women should keep changing their body position from time to time so that it becomes easier for the baby in the womb to move.

7. Use of beauty products and cosmetics is also not considered safe during pregnancy. Experts believe that there is a risk of skin damage by using cosmetics during pregnancy.

8. Nowadays, looking at film stars, many women wear high heels during pregnancy, but it affects the rear posture. Wearing high heels causes the pelvic muscles to bend forward, which can increase back and waist pain.

9. Taking a gold bath and bathing with hot water is also not advised in the first trimester of pregnancy.

10. Experts say, “One should not lie down or sleep on the back during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. In fact, when a pregnant woman lies down on her back, the entire weight of the uterus falls on other parts of the body. Due to this, blood circulation deteriorates and has a negative impact on the baby in the womb.”

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