What is the impact of parental love on a child’s success in life?

We all know how important parental love is for a child. Parents’ love is showered on children in many ways, such as affection, care, concern for comfort, concern for food and drink, acceptance of their feelings, and feeling of security, all these are forms of love. But children feel the love of mother and father most when they kiss, hug, praise, and say nice things about them. Such loving touches make them feel confident and secure within themselves.

Recently, on the occasion of Jeh’s birthday, the picture of Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan lovingly kissing Jeh is going viral.

We can see in this picture that a sweet smile is spread on Jeh’s face. From this smile, we can understand how much positivity the child has experienced in life due to this loving feeling. This love experience will help him a lot in becoming successful in life and a good person.

Let us today talk about how important the love of parents is to make children successful in life and give them the gift of a happy life.

How does parental love make a child successful in life?

The truth is that when children do not get love from their parents, then this feeling of rejection starts getting reflected in their behavior. He also starts making others the targets of his anger, showing his indifference by hitting others and rejecting relationships.

Research at Harvard University has proven that a child’s happy and successful life depends on a good relationship between parents and their love for the child. The love and acceptance that a child receives from his/her parents in childhood brings future success, happiness and satisfaction in life.

Parental love makes one healthy

Another Harvard study, the Harvard Mastery of Stress Study, was conducted in the 1950s. Researchers found that people who did not experience parental love were more than twice as likely to develop physical diseases after 35 years, including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, duodenal ulcers and alcoholism. Therefore the warm feeling of love helps in making children physically strong.

Brain Development

Research from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri has demonstrated that a mother’s love helps her child’s brain develop. Mother’s love since childhood helps a lot in making the brain function better. Mother’s constant affection and father’s positive love over-stimulate that part of the brain, which helps in learning, remembering and reducing stress.

A feeling of security and the ability to handle problems.

The love of parents fills the children with a sense of security, with the help of which they are able to win every battle of life. It is the limitless love of his mother and father that gives him the strength to break every limit and win in the field of sports and studies.

Father’s love helps them choose the path of life, while mother’s love helps them take the faltering steps and move forward without fear.

Parental love helps in exchanging feelings

Maybe you will find it strange but it is true that the love of parents for each other and then the love of both of them towards children teaches children to exchange feelings with others. They are able to meet people better socially and can also understand the emotions of others properly. That is to say in one word, it helps in becoming a human being in true sense.

Now perhaps we do not need to say how much importance the love of parents has in shaping the life of a child and making him successful in life.

Tips: –

Now we were discussing how important the love of parents is for the child. But in this love, it is also important that how wisely they are playing the role of buying baby care products for the children. Buy only natural baby care products for your children.

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