What is the Best Oil For Baby Massage During Winter?

Baby Massage Benefits: The winter season is very delicate. During the winter season, the elders and children of the house need special care. If a small child is taken good care of during the winter season, then the body and health always remain good. Elders have also said that whatever is fed to babies in childhood, the body develops in the same manner after they grow up.

Massage plays the most important role in baby care. Massage helps in making the body of babies strong and toned. Many types of oils and body lotions are used to massage babies in Indian homes. But in the winter season, children need special oil massage, so that their body remains strong and warm from inside. Today in this article we will tell you with which oil children should be massaged in the winter season. Also Read: What Are The 5 Oils to Apply For Diaper Rashes in a Baby?

With which oil to massage the baby in winter?

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is considered best for babies during the winter season. Mustard oil contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, saturated fat, and micro-nutrients. Massaging children with mustard oil helps in relieving joint pain, improves blood circulation, and brings warmth to the body. Massaging children with mustard oil regularly maintains the moisture of the skin.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is considered very beneficial for massaging babies. Rubbing the baby with olive oil provides a lot of relaxation to the mind. Olive oil is rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Iron, Omega 3, fatty acids, and antioxidants, which help in keeping children’s skin healthy and improving blood pressure.

Sesame oil

Sesame oil contains balanced fatty acids and antioxidants and Vitamin E are also found in good quantities in it. Massaging babies with sesame oil helps in warming the body during the winter season. The nutrients in sesame oil help in strengthening bones and curing muscle pain.

coconut oil

It is often seen that coconut oil freezes during the winter season. Due to the solidity of coconut oil, people avoid using it for baby massage. In such a situation, you can use coconut oil by warming it. Massaging with coconut oil helps in improving the blood circulation of the child’s body, protecting the skin from dryness and protecting it from infection.

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