What is spine surgery? When and why is spine surgery done?

What is spinal surgery?

In today’s busy life, people have to work sitting at one place for 9 to 10 hours. Due to continuous sitting, lifting heavy weights during exercise, and sometimes accidents, people feel pain in the waist or lower back. A special type of surgery is performed to correct back pain and uneven structure of the spinal cord due to an accident. This surgery is called spine surgery.

Since most people do not have complete knowledge about spine surgery, they are not able to get this surgery done. If you are also deprived of information about this surgery then you must read this article. Why is spine surgery done? Apart from the doctor, is there any special kind of machine available today to perform spine surgery?

To know the answers to all these questions, we asked the Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, Senior Director, and Head, of BLK-Max Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi. Let us know all the things related to spine surgery.

What is spine surgery?

The doctor said that any patient is advised to undergo spine surgery when the spinal problems have increased. If spine-related problems are not cured by medicines and exercises, then the patient is advised to undergo spine surgery.

In what situations is spine surgery required?

The doctor says that every patient suffering from spine-related disease is not advised to undergo spine surgery. It has some following circumstances. Let us know about these situations-

Sspine pain and bone pain

The doctor says that when a person has severe pain in his spine and the pain is not cured despite taking medicines, then the patient is advised to undergo spine surgery.

Having Cervical

Nowadays many people are struggling with problems like cervical. To provide relief to the patient from cervical pain, doctors advise to consume various types of exercises, diet, and medicines. When all these things have no effect on the patient, then spine surgery is done.

The doctor said that after undergoing spine surgery, doctors advise the patient to take rest for at least 10 to 15 days. However, now spine surgery is done not only by doctors but also by robots. Dr. said that the patient gets the most benefit from spine surgery done by robots. Sharing his experience with articlespringer, Dr. said that in the past he has done 10 spine surgeries through robots. In which he got 100 out of 100 results. He said that by performing spine surgery on a patient using a robot, the patient starts living his normal life within 1 to 2 days.

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