What is Content Marketing? Let’s discuss in depth

Table Of Content:

1 Get to know Content Marketing
2 History of Content Marketing
3 Modern Content Marketing Formulas
3.1 The Future of Content Marketing
4 Getting Started with Effective Content Marketing
5 Things You Need to Pay Attention to When Creating Content
5.1 1. Content Marketing Doesn’t Always Write
5.2 2. Start Planning
5.3 3. Creating Content
5.4 4. Content Curing
5.5 5. Get Ideas from Google
5.6 6. Real-time Marketing
6 Things You Should Pay Attention to in Creating Content Marketing

Get to know Content Marketing

Nobody cares about ads anymore. Content marketing is king.

We skip ads while watching Youtube. We subscribe to Netflix accordingly because we don’t like ads. Kia=ta scrolls through the ever-increasing number of ads on your Facebook or Instagram feed. We don’t like ads, and that certainly hurts those who try to market their products through advertising. But hope is always there isn’t it?

We share blog posts and recommend them to our friends. We comment and discuss special content that we like.

Breaking the news about our brand, business, product or organization is not impossible, but the method is definitely changing. Marketing strategies like this are taking over the world.

Content marketing is any marketing format that involves creating and sharing media content and publishing to acquire subscribers and a large audience.

Content marketing is built on the idea that the best way to build trust with potential customers is to give them something they want.

This means we must create useful content that doesn’t interfere with whatever visitors are doing, but rather engages them to learn, enjoy and connect. Good content marketing brings users to us, and doesn’t force them. This builds trust and loyalty with potential customers.

The Content Marketing Institute puts it more formally: “content marketing is a marketing technique for creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the goal of driving profitable customer action.”

History of Content Marketing

It is a customer magazine that has been published by the John Deere company since 1895. It is widely regarded as one of the earliest examples of content marketing and is now available in more than 40 countries and in 12 different languages.

As a magazine, it offers its readers regular information (content) about the agricultural industry around the world. It is the perfect companion for anyone who works on the farm, and more importantly, anyone who may be interested in John Deere tractors.

In recent years, The Furrow has been available to read online, offering an iPad app and website filled with lots of useful content. Furrow has easily outgrown many of the staples of the industry, along with the brands it represents.

It’s easy to see how The Furrow can be used as an example for our own content marketing, but it’s not the only example from history.

Modern Content Marketing Formulas

History shows us that content marketing can take many forms. In fact, much of what is considered content marketing today is still happening in print through things like magazines, books, pamphlets, and flyers.

However, every year, more and more content marketing efforts are shifting online where users create, share and distribute content very freely. For companies implementing content marketing, this takes a simple step-by-step formula.

1. Create useful content, written or visual.
2. Spread that content, usually through a blog.
3. Share content via social networks.
4. Grow your audience, and deepen their trust.

It’s important to stress that this formula is not a one-size-fits-all approach and that the content marketplace can really come in many other forms. That said, formulas have been proven to work time and time again and are at the heart of what content marketing is today.

The Future of Content Marketing

Content marketing is a growing trend. Over the past few years, the art of marketing, online and offline, has changed dramatically. Nowadays, all the trends point to content marketing as the next big way in the online marketing industry.

The trend is similar to the social media sensations of a few years ago. While momentum has been slowly building for online-based content marketing, certain changes in the search engine optimization (SEO) industry have pushed the content marketing industry forward more rapidly and presented challenges as well as opportunities to grow.

Getting Started with Effective Content Marketing

There has never been a more important time for individuals, companies, non-profits, or organizations to take steps to develop effective content marketing.

Through the act of creating and sharing useful content with the world, we build trust and support within the community and turn content prospects into paying customers for our products or services.

With everything changing online, we know that content marketing is important and you should use it to build your brand.

To get started, there are a few quick things you can do.

Develop a Launch Plan – If you don’t have a blog or section on your website that you can add articles to, create and grow your blog. If you want to create and share content, you need a place to distribute it. If you already have a blog, now is the time to use it and make the most of it

Know Your Audience – Content marketing is all about reaching your audience in a way that benefits them. To do this, you have to really understand your customers.

Plan Your Content – ​​Content marketing is more than just publishing blog posts. You need to think and strategy in everything you do. The best way to do this is through using content planning with your team and creating a schedule that you can stick to on a consistent basis.

Collaboration with Your Team – Creating good content is a team effort. Make sure you include all of your team members and stay engaged in your overall content marketing goals.

Things You Need to Pay Attention to When Creating Content

Advertising was simpler before the advent of the Internet. Now, your messages are competing against millions of social media updates.

So how can you win the “battle for attention” in a world increasingly fragmented by social media networks? Through content marketing. Here are some tips for planning.

1. Content Marketing Doesn’t Always Write

Don’t worry if you’re not the literary type. Content can come from a variety of places, including:

  • Created: Content that you create yourself.
  • Curation: Content retrieved from the internet in the form of lists.
  • Legacy: Content is pulled from your archive and reused.
  • Co-created: Content you pull from your social media audience in “real-time”.

2. Start Planning

To develop a content strategy, start with a blank sheet of paper, divided into four quadrants. Label it: Goals, Assets, Channels and Opportunities.

In each area answer these questions:

  • Goal: What do you want to achieve with your content strategy? It can be in the form of sales, awareness, shares, and others.
  • Assets: What types of content do you already have? This could be a photo you post on Facebook or a blog post on your website.
  • Channels: Where can you post content? This could be your website, your social media channels, and even your email newsletter.
  • Opportunity: In which areas do you want to expand your content?

3. Creating Content

Photos are the best key in the world of content.

If you’re a coffee shop owner or small toy manufacturer, consider taking photos of how the process happened.

Do you or your staff members have an interesting story to tell? Make sure to tell them about using social media

. If you participate in charity work, whether through donating a portion of your sales to charity or sponsoring a local donation event, be sure to leverage that story in your social media holdings.

Create a “wishlist” – the content you want to create and code it according to the level of difficulty. For example, it’s easier to write a short personal message than to make a video.

4. Curated Content

Curated content compiles a list of photos, videos or ideas that align with your brand’s mission.

For example, a company called Barkbox (which sells gift boxes for dogs) scoured the web for cute dog pictures to place on their blogs, newsletters, and Facebook and Twitter pages. This is an easy way to find content that attracts a lot of people.

5. Get Ideas from Google

Knowing how to use Google search as a tool in your content strategy is critical. The first rule of SEO success is not the easiest or fastest, but the most effective: strive to write high-quality content in well-defined segments.

The second rule of SEO is to make sure you use good keywords. How do you decide on good keywords, well, you start with instinct, but you research your instincts. A great tool to get started is Google Trends.

6. Real-time Marketing

The concept of “real-time marketing” was born in the corporate world by thinkers like Shiv Singh of PepsiCo, who wisely noted:

My real competition is 50 billion status updates.

Bottom line, traditional advertising, with its lengthy approval process, is not prepared to handle the speed, volume, and speed of the social web.

As big brands like Pepsi and Ford face the massive organizational challenge of harnessing the power of real-time, entrepreneurs are in a better position to be flexible and creative.

Things You Should Pay Attention to in Creating Content Marketing

You should continue to make sure all content creation plans are scheduled and pay attention to things that might interfere with your entire plan.

1. It’s Not About You – This one probably goes against most advertising theories. Advertising is always about the company paying for it. With content marketing, we need to take the opposite approach. Content must be about your audience.

2. It’s Not About Your Product – It’s Not About The Company And The Products You’re Selling. Content marketing is 100% about helping your customers successfully use your content. Again, not your product.

3. It’s Not About Instant Selling – Content marketing is a long-term strategy to build customer trust and loyalty to a brand or idea. It has little to do with direct selling. He knows that sales are earned by building customer trust. After all, you can’t trick anyone into buying something.

4. It’s Not About Creativity – Creativity is king in the advertising world, but not content marketing. Content has a bigger mission.

Wouldn’t it be great if your customers kept coming to you because of the content you publish? Too often when we think about online marketing, we turn to more traditional methods like paid advertising and paid endorsements.

Good, quality content changes this. In the future, content marketing will be the number one driver of online traffic and sales in the world. Companies that choose to invest now will ultimately reign supreme.

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