What is Cc in Email? This is the definition, function and use!

What is the Cc definition

When you want to send an email to the recipient column, on the top right there are Cc and Bc features. Cc generally stands for “carbon copy” while BCC stands for “blind carbon copy”. But, what is CC?

Imagine when you go back to the pre-computer era, people all over the world had to use a typewriter to write letters. When you are going to copy a letter, the letter must be put on carbon paper so that what is typed is directly copied on another paper at the back of the letter.

For example, when you type on the top sheet, traces of what you typed will appear on the carbon paper, the text that appears on the carbon paper being a copy of the document being typed.

As reported by How to Geek, basically, both Cc and BCC allow you to send an email to someone other than the primary recipient. However, you can also enter other recipients’ email addresses into the “ to ” field.

So what is Cc in email? what is the function and how to use it? we will explain it in full for you in the article about what Cc is in the email below.

What is Cc In Email?
2 Fungsi Cc
Ways to Use Cc Email

3.1 1. Round ‘to’
3.2 2. Column ‘Cc’
3.3 3. Column ‘Bcc’

What is Cc In Email?

So, Cc is a way of sending an email to someone other than the primary recipient. The name Cc was taken to adapt the concept of carbon paper used to copywriting on other papers. Like the paper receipt, for example.

The Cc column is usually used when you want to send email messages to parties other than the main email recipient. Generally, this email is used when you want to send messages to many parties or teams in the office who already know each other. In this column, the primary recipients can see who received the email Cc.

Just like the use of carbon paper, Cc in email delivery as an easy way to send a copy of the email to others. Cc basically has the same function as the “to” column when sending emails.

Then, the primary recipients entered in the “ to ” field will be directly affected by the email and are expected to respond to the email.

Usually, the Cc field is used to enter additional recipients with the intention of keeping that person connected to the email series without any obligation to respond or provide feedback regarding the email. CC is also often referred to as “courtesy copy”.

Cc Fungsi function

If we already know what Cc is in an email, of course we need to know the function of the CcCc serves to send emails to several other recipients at the same time. But all recipients can see that the other has a copy too, and then they can see each other’s email addresses.

This is usually used if you’re sending an email to a coworker, but you also want your boss to know what the email is talking about.

Usually, Cc is also used to email a copy of an email to other people. The “to” and “ Cc ” parts have the same function. Almost anyone whose email address is entered into these two sections will receive the email sent and know that someone else got the email too.

How to Use Cc Email

Most of us must have used email to send messages. But not everyone knows what Cc is used for in the email. Both Gmail, yahoo mail, Hotmail and other email facilities must already have this Cc and Bc facility, unfortunately not everyone knows how to use this Cc.

In the email, there are three 3 columns provided, namely ‘to’, ‘Cc’, and ‘Bcc’ . We will discuss one by one:

1. Round ‘it’

This field is usually filled with the main recipient address of our email. This field can be filled with only 1 email address or more. You can enter more than one email address by using a comma as a separator between the email addresses.

Example: abcd@gmail.com, efgh@gmail.com, ijkl@yahoo.com. You need to note that each recipient of the email will usually know to whom the email was sent.

2. Column ‘ Cc ‘

If you often write receipt reports, you know the Cc function. Its function is the same as a carbon copy of a receipt. So the Cc column functions to make a copy of the created email. Generally, Cc can be filled with a third-party email address as proof that you have sent the email, for example, a work email address.

Email addresses that are either on ‘ Cc ‘ or ‘to’ can see each other’s email addresses, where the email is sent, including the copy.

3. Column ‘Bcc ‘

This column Bc c has the purpose of covering all existing email addresses so that the recipient of the email does not know where the email is intended for.

In the email as if addressed only to the recipient of the email. Usually, this column Bcc is used to avoid spam emails and is used in mailing lists that send emails to many people at once.

How to use it is to fill in the email address in the ‘ to ‘ column, then all recipient email addresses in ‘ Bcc ‘.

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