What is binary code and Binary Code with Alphabet and Letters

What is Binary code, a code used in digital computers based on the binary number system that has only two possible states, off and on, usually denoted 0 and 1. … a binary code signal is a series of electrical pulses that show the numbers. , characters and to operate.

Alphabet in Binary (CAPITAL letters)

Letter Binary
A 01000001
B 01000010
C 01000011
D 01000100
E 01000101
F 01000110
G 01000111
H 01001000
I 01001001
J 01001010
K 01001011
L 01001100
M 01001101
N 01001110
O 01001111
P 01010000
Q 01010001
R 01010010
S 01010011
T 01010100
U 01010101
V 01010110
W 01010111
X 01011000
Y 01011001
Z 01011010

Alphabet in Binary (lowercase letters)

Letter Binary
a 01100001
b 01100010
c 01100011
d 01100100
e 01100101
f 01100110
g 01100111
h 01101000
i 01101001
j 01101010
k 01101011
l 01101100
m 01101101
n 01101110
o 01101111
p 01110000
q 01110001
r 01110010
s 01110011
t 01110100
u 01110101
v 01110110
w 01110111
x 01111000
y 01111001
z 01111010

Know What is “hello” in Binary Code?

The word “hello” in binary code is: 0110100001100101011011000110110001101111 By dividing this into 8-digit segments it is easier to watch the binary byte corresponding to each letter’s: 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111

Decimal numerals represented by binary digits
decimal binary conversion
0 0 0 ( 20 )
1 1 1 ( 20 )
2 10 1 ( 21 ) + 0 ( 20 )
3 11 1 ( 21 ) + 1 ( 20 )
4 100 1 ( 22 ) + 0 ( 21 ) + 0 ( 20 )
5 101 1 ( 22 ) + 0 ( 21 ) + 1 ( 20 )
6 110 1 ( 22 ) + 1 ( 21 ) + 0 ( 20 )
7 111 1 ( 22 ) + 1 ( 21 ) + 1 ( 20 )
8 1000 1 ( 23 ) + 0 ( 22 ) + 0 ( 21 ) + 0 ( 20 )
9 1001 1 ( 23 ) + 0 ( 22 ) + 0 ( 21 ) + 1 ( 20 )
10 1010 1 ( 23 ) + 0 ( 22 ) + 1 ( 21 ) + 0 ( 20 )

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