What is a title tag and what are the best tips for making one?

Anyone who has searched for something online has most likely used various search engines to receive relevant results. These results appear on what are called search engine results pages, or SERPs, to help guide users to the content they are looking for. In this article, we discuss important elements of a SERP called title tags, why they are important to a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy and how to create one.


1 What is Title Tag?
Why Should You Include a Title Tag?

Ways to Write a Title Tag

3.1 1. Create a unique title
3.2 2. Include relevant keywords
3.3 3. Make it interesting
3.4 4. Use your brand name

How to Apply the Title Tag?

4.1 Dedicated sites are not hosted on CMS
4.2 WordPress or other CMS site
4.3 No custom site or WordPress site
What is the difference between a Title Tag and an H1 Tag?

What is a Title Tag?

The title tag or title tag is the most easily recognizable headline that you see in the SERP when you search for something online. They are HTML indicators that label your web pages to help search engines and people understand what your pages are about.

The title tag appears in the SERPs as blue, bold text above the site’s URL and meta description, which is a summary of the web page’s content. They also appear as the main title of a web page in the top bar of an internet browser. Together, the title tag and meta description help people know the content of the web page they are about to visit.

Why Should You Include a Title Tag?

Companies looking to implement a solid SEO strategy need to pay attention to the quality of their title tags as they are a key element of search engine algorithms.

The content of the title tag should not only explain the purpose of the web page but should also include relevant keywords designed to drive traffic to the website. To rank higher in the SERPs, pages must be an accurate representation of what site users can find when they arrive at the website.

tittle tag 2

How to Write a Title Tag

Writing an original title tag that sounds natural and attractive helps encourage visitors to click through to your site. When you give them the information they need, they are more likely to have a positive user experience.

Before you write title tags for your website’s web pages, you should do some keyword research to make sure you are creating SEO-friendly title tags.

Keep in mind that you want your title tag to include 60 characters (with spaces) or less. Anything longer than that will not be visible in the SERPs. There are online title tag tools that let you place your newly created tag in a box to preview how it will appear in the SERPs.

When you optimize your content with these keywords, it increases your chances of driving traffic to your website. Search engines show the best results that are highly relevant, so you want your title tag to have that quality too. Here are some tips for creating high ranking title tags:

1. Create a unique title

Consider the number of web pages that are on your website. You may have less than 20 or more than 200. Taking this into account will help you understand how many unique titles you need to create.

You don’t want to use the same title, because search engines don’t like duplicate content by ranking lower in the SERPs. You also want your title tag to be clear and straightforward so users know exactly what to expect when they arrive on your site.

2. Include relevant keywords

Keyword research is an important part of any SEO strategy as it helps search engines find your pages and rank them higher in the SERPs.

People search for products and services online by typing keywords in the search bar. When you use the keywords they are looking for, you increase your chances of conversion.

Before you start writing your title tag, prepare a list of keywords to include in the tag. You can find out which keywords have the highest value by using one of the many online keyword tools that provide valuable insights.

3. Make it interesting

Think about the title tags you saw recently in the SERPs. You may have clicked on one over the other because the title tag is more appealing. Create catchy title tags with descriptive words that attract people and you will have an edge over competing web pages. Words that arouse emotions or make people curious attract attention.

4. Use your brand name

Advertise your company prominently by including your business name in the title tag.

Here are some examples of how the title tag looks like:

  • Top 10 Apple Recipes That Will Make Your Mouth Water | Derry Farms
  • Funny Playground Sounds Created by Laugh Studios Inc.
  • 7 Ways to Create a Dream Room Just for You | Interior Pros
  • How Kate’s Market Can Help You Serve Hungry Guests

Creating a title tag can be an art because you want to create extra appeal while keeping your tag under 60 characters. One way to come up with some ideas for writing title tags is to do an online search to see how other brands have written it. See how popular websites mention their title tags and try to model them.

How to Apply a Title Tag?

Now that you have written the title tag, you can apply the new title on your web page. Consider whether you are working with a custom site that is not hosted on a CMS, a site that uses WordPress or neither. You’ll be ready to enter your title tag once you know what you’re getting into from these three scenarios:

Dedicated site not hosted on CMS

To edit the title tag of a web page on a custom site that is not hosted on a content management system, you must first access its HTML code. If you’re not sure how to do this, contact your host provider. Once you find the tag, just enter your title name between the tags and save your code.

WordPress or other CMS site

Many websites run on WordPress or other Content Management System (CMS) sites. If it’s yours, you’ll be happy to know that naming title tags is a lot simpler than editing HTML code.

All you have to do is look for the title field in the content form and type in your title name. You may want to download a supported SEO plug-in that will show you a preview of how it will look in the SERPs.

Make sure you are logged in to the platform to access the admin area settings. Depending on your CMS, you might be looking for a field called “Site Title”. Save your changes and you’re done.

No custom site or WordPress site

If you’re working in a different setup that doesn’t seem to follow the title tag structure of the previous scenario, it may be easiest to contact your website hosting company or CMS company for advice on finding HTML to create the title tag.

With a little guidance, you should be able to move forward without a problem.

What is the Difference between Title Tag and H1 Tag?

While title tags and H1 tags may contain similar content, they are not the same element in HTML. The biggest difference between the two is that the title tag is prominently displayed in the SERP, whereas the H1 tag is prominent on the web page itself.

The H1 tag is the first header that site users see when they navigate to a web page. Usually the title of the article, but not always. H1 tags also play a very important role in SEO strategy, therefore website builders or business owners should try to include keywords in H1 tags as well as other headers where appropriate.

The H1 tag is not visible in the SERPs unless the site builder does not create a unique meta description. In this case, the search engine will pull the first 155 to 160 words of the page content to use as a meta description, which can include an H1 tag.

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