What foods can I eat to relieve fatigue after delivery?

Foods to deal with Postpartum Fatigue: After delivery, women need special care. Along with taking care of the child, a woman’s body also has to produce milk. Due to this, they have to face problems like fatigue and body pain. It is said that if women do not adopt proper eating habits after delivery, then they have to suffer the consequences for their entire life. If you too have recently delivered and you always feel tired, then today we are going to tell you about some special things. By including these things in your diet, you can remove fatigue after delivery.

Eat these foods to overcome fatigue after delivery

Nutritionist and dietitian Lavneet Batra says that it is very common for women to feel tired after delivery. Diet is very important to remove this fatigue and restore energy in the body. According to nutritionists, if women include some special things in their diet after delivery, it helps in removing fatigue and providing proper nutrition to the body. Let us know about these foods.

1. Moong dal

Moong dal

Moong dal contains minerals like iron, potassium, copper magnesium as well as fiber, vitamin B6, and folate. The Vitamin B complex found in it helps in generating energy by breaking down carbs in the body. Also, consuming moong dal after delivery provides protein to the body which helps in improving gut health.

2. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, healthy fat, and fiber, which works to provide energy to the body. According to nutritionist Lavneet Batra, if women consume roasted pumpkin seeds after the delivery of the child, it helps in eliminating fatigue. Also, it is a good source of iron, due to which it also helps in curing diseases like anemia.

3. Almonds


Almonds are a good source of high-quality protein, fiber, and healthy monounsaturated fats. Consuming almonds provides energy to the body. For quick recovery and nourishment to the body of a new mother after delivery, it is advised to consume almonds soaked overnight.

4. Ghee


The main reason for fatigue in women after delivery is the lack of Omega-3 in the body. Ghee proves to be very beneficial in fulfilling the deficiency of Omega-3. If women consume ghee after delivery, it helps in reducing body fatigue and increasing energy.

5. Papaya

Papaya, blackberry, and melon for beauty

Eating papaya is prohibited during pregnancy, but this fruit is very beneficial after delivery. Papaya is a good source of fructose, glucose, and sucrose, which are easily absorbed by the body and provide instant energy to the body. Also, papaya contains enzymes like papain and chymopain, which help in relieving digestive problems after delivery.

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