What Are the Side Effects of Kissing a Newborn Baby?

Side Effects Of Kissing A Newborn Baby: Whenever we see a small child, we cannot live without kissing him. Now as soon as the babies are born, they are so cute that if anyone sees them, they will just puke. It was only 2 weeks ago that a child was born at one of my friend’s houses. In this happiness, the friend threw a grand party and invited everyone.

During the party, when my friend’s mom gave the baby in my lap, I was overjoyed. After feeding the child in my lap for a while, I kissed him on his cheek and forehead. As soon as aunty saw me doing this, she started scolding me. She said, after today, think not 2 but 200 times before kissing any child. One kiss from you can make my child sick. After hearing this from aunty, I was surprised, can kissing a newborn really prove dangerous? To know the answer to this question, I talked to Dr. Seema Jain of Max Hospital, Delhi.

Why is it Wrong to kiss a Newborn Baby

The doctor says that when children are born, their immunity is very weak. In such a situation, it is not at all right for adults to kiss them. By doing this the risk of infection and many other diseases increases in the child. The doctor says that not only adults but also the new mother should avoid kissing the baby. By kissing, bacteria from adults can enter the child’s body and cause many diseases, which the weak immune system cannot fight.

Side Effects Of Kissing A Newborn Baby

According to experts, if a newborn or a child below 10 years of age is kissed, it can cause much harm to their health. Let us know about it.

Risk of respiratory disease

It takes about 8 years for a child’s respiratory system to develop completely. In such a situation, if the child is kissed on the lips, it can cause infection in the lungs. Due to lung infection, the risk of respiratory diseases in the child increases manifold.

Cause of skin problem

Elderly people, especially women, use many types of skin care products on their face and lips. Many types of chemicals are used in beauty products, which can harm the child. Experts say that the skin of small children is sensitive, if it comes in contact with beauty products, it can cause many problems like rashes, redness, and itching.


Flu may be a common health problem for adults, but it can prove dangerous for children. If an adult has a cold, cough, flu or any other seasonal health issue and passes it to a child, the flu virus can enter the child’s body. Due to this they may get flu and make them sick.

cause of cavity

While kissing the child’s lips, the saliva of adults can enter the child’s mouth. Experts say that a bacteria called Streptococcus mutans present in saliva can cause cavities in the teeth of children. Apart from this, if an adult has any kind of oral disease, then its germs can also enter the child’s body.

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