What are the health benefits of Banana Halwa?

Banana Halwa  Benefits: Banana is considered very beneficial for health. Bananas contain many nutrients like carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, and B-6, calcium, and zinc in sufficient quantity, which help in strengthening the body from within. Considering these nutrients of banana, doctors advise everyone from children to the elderly to eat banana. Banana is undoubtedly rich in nutritious elements (Health Benefits of Banana), but not everyone likes its taste. Especially the small children at home are very fussy about eating bananas. If the same is the case with you then you can try banana halwa.

Many nutrients like iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and sodium are found in banana pudding, which help in keeping the body healthy. So what are you waiting for, let us know how banana halwa is made and what benefits the body gets by eating it.

How To Make Banana Halwa

  • To make banana pudding, first cut 3 to 4 bananas into pieces in a bowl.
  • After cutting the bananas, mash them well so that no lumps remain in it.
  • Now heat the pan and melt ghee in it.
  • Fry all the dry fruits (cashew nuts, almonds, grated coconut, pistachios, raisins) in ghee until they turn golden.
  • Take out the dry fruits from ghee, add 1 cup semolina to it, and fry till it turns golden.
  • Now add banana mash and 1 cup milk to the roasted semolina and cook.
  • If you face any problem in mixing semolina and banana mash, then increase the quantity of milk in it.
  • After this, you have to cook the banana halwa properly on medium flame.
  • After cooking the halwa for 10 to 15 minutes, add sugar or ground jaggery to it and cook.
  • After cooking the jaggery, garnish with dry fruits roasted in ghee and serve the banana halwa hot.

Benefits of eating Banana Halwa

1. An adequate amount of potassium is found in banana halwa, which helps in controlling the blood pressure of the body. By keeping blood pressure under control, the risk of heart attack and heart stroke can be reduced.

2. Banana pudding is considered very good for digestion. Banana is rich in fiber, which helps in digesting food properly and also makes the process of bowel movement easier. Along with this, eating banana pudding also provides relief from problems like constipation and stomach ache.

3. Calcium is found in banana pudding, which helps in strengthening bones and teeth. Children whose bones become weak at an early age are advised to eat banana pudding 2 to 3 times a week.

4. Banana also helps in strengthening the brain. Vitamin B6 and magnesium are found in banana, which helps in improving nerve function.

5. Carbohydrate is found in banana, which keeps our body energetic and we feel less tired. Consuming bananas regularly helps in curing physical weakness and debility.

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