What Are The Feeding Rules For a Baby?

Until the baby is 6 months old, it is advised to feed him only his mother’s milk. However, there may be some situations where the option of breastfeeding in the form of milk may remain incomplete for the baby. In such a situation, which milk or buffalo milk should be given to the child and when should it be given, can be a big question.

Information about how and when parents should feed cow or buffalo milk as the best milk for children is given in this article. Here the rules of feeding milk to the baby are explained in detail.

Why is milk (breastfeeding) necessary for a baby till the age of 6 months?

Reports both doctors recommend that newborn babies up to 6 months of age should be fed only mother’s milk i.e. breast milk. Actually, the immunity of a small child keeps developing, due to which it may take more time for them to digest milk.

At the same time, mother’s milk is low fat and rich in protein. Therefore, newborn babies can easily digest their mother’s milk and their body can also get the love of proper nutrition.

At the same time, when children grow older than 6 months, mother’s milk alone is not sufficient for the child’s nutrition. They are also advised to feed other solid foods along with mother’s milk. In such a situation the child cow or buffalo milk Can be fed. Scroll to read in detail the things related to feeding cow or buffalo milk to the child.

Which one should be given to the baby, cow or buffalo milk?

Seen in a way, apart from mother’s milk, milk from other domesticated animals like cow or buffalo can also be used as an alternative form of milk for the baby. But mostly cow and buffalo milk is easily available and they are also considered safe and a source of energy. In such a situation, keeping some things in mind, parents can start feeding cow or buffalo milk to their child.

When and how much to feed cow’s milk to the baby?

CDC According to this, one and a half to two cups of cow’s milk can be given to an infant aged 12 months i.e. 1 year and older throughout the day. Feeding cow’s milk to an infant can provide many benefits, such as:

  • Strong bones of the child can be formed
  • Cow’s milk can supply Vitamin D and Calcium

If the baby is younger than 1 year, then feeding cow’s milk has some effect on his health. negative There may be effects such as:

  • Cow’s milk may contain very little or no Vitamin E, Zinc, and essential fatty acids, due to which the nutrition of the child’s body may remain incomplete.
  • Additionally, as the baby’s immune system continues to develop, cow’s milk may contain high amounts of protein, sodium, and potassium, which the baby’s digestive system cannot tolerate.
  • Feeding raw cow’s milk can put the baby at risk of various infectious diseases.

When and how much to feed buffalo milk to the baby?

The rules for feeding milk to an infant also say that just like a cow, Buffalo Milk of up to 2 cups can also be given to children of 12 months of age i.e. 1 year and older.

  • The amount of protein in buffalo milk is much more than that of cow milk. Therefore, if the child’s body needs protein, buffalo milk can be fed to the child.
  • Apart from this, buffalo milk also has a higher fat content than cow milk. So on this basis, if the child is of very low weight, then on the advice of the doctor, he can be fed buffalo milk.

Keep in mind that if the age of the child is 1 year or more, then the child can be fed cow or buffalo milk. However, whether cow or buffalo milk should be given to the child may depend on the health and physical needs of the child.

What things should be kept in mind while feeding a cow or buffalo milk to a baby?

On the question of what things should be kept in mind while feeding cow or buffalo milk to the baby? Maternal care and child nutrition expert advises that “The most important thing is to keep in mind the quantity of milk to be fed to the child. After this, also keep in mind that the child should be at least 1 year old or older and what is more important is that whenever you feed cow or buffalo milk to the child, mix water in it.

At the same time, when the child turns 3 years old, he can be given buffalo milk directly. The quantity of all nutrients in buffalo milk is higher than that of cow milk. At the same time, with increasing age, the dose of nutrients in the child’s body can also increase. In such a situation, including buffalo milk in the diet of older children can be a good and healthy idea.

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