What are the benefits of eating barley pulao, and how do I make barley pulao recipes?

Barley Vegetable Pulao Recipe and Benefits: Barley has been considered the king of grains since ancient times. Along with proteins and carbohydrates, many nutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus are found in barley. Besides, elements like Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin are also found in it.

Consuming barley regularly helps in keeping many diseases away. However, even today people remain confused about how to include barley in their diet. If you are also confused about including this healthy grain in your diet, then today we are going to tell you the recipe of special barley pulao. Barley Pulao made by mixing many vegetables is a treasure of taste and health.

Barley Vegetable Pulao Recipe

Ingredients List

  • Barley- 2 cups
  • Ghee- 2 tsp
  • Cumin- 1 tsp
  • Bay leaves- 2 pieces
  • spices of your choice
  • Chopped seasonal vegetables – 1 cup

Method of making

  • First of all, leave 2 cups of barley to soak overnight.
  • Next morning, put 2 tsp ghee in a cooker, add 2 bay leaves, 1 tsp cumin and all the spices and cook for 1 minute.
  • After this add 1 chopped red onion to the spices. Cook all the spices properly for 1 minute.
  • After this add one cup chopped carrots and green beans and mix well.
  • Now add pre-soaked and washed barley into it. Add salt, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon garam masala to barley and cook.
  • Finally, add one and a half glass of water in the cooker and cook for 2 whistles.
  • Your healthy and tasty barley pulao is ready. You can enjoy barley pulao with green chutney and raita.

Benefits of eating Barley Vegetable Pulao

The heart keeps relatives away

According to research given on the NCBI website, barley contains beta-glucan, which helps in controlling increased cholesterol. When cholesterol level remains under control, there is no problem of blood pressure. Due to this it helps in keeping heart-related problems away.

helpful in weight loss

According to Dr. Vara Lakshmi, fiber is found in barley. Fiber helps control appetite, which helps in weight loss. Besides, it is also a good source of beta-glucan, tocols, resistant starch, and dietary fiber, due to which it is considered helpful in controlling appetite.

Makes digestion stronger

Barley contains phosphoric acid, salicylic acid, and lactic acid. Experts say that consuming barley regularly does not cause digestive problems like stomach ache, constipation, gas and stomach cramps. Barley Pulao is also very beneficial for those people who get gas after eating food.

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