What are the 4 hormones that cause weight increase?

Hormones Responsible for Weight Gain in Women: What don’t people do to lose weight? Some exercise for months, lose sleep in the morning, run for hours, eat tasteless boiled food and people even follow expensive diet plans. However, when these things do not yield results, one feels disappointed. But have you ever thought that not only diet plans but also hormones are responsible for weight loss?

Hormones are one of the main reasons for weight gain, especially in women. Pregnancy, menopause, and depression have a direct impact on the metabolism of women, due to which weight and obesity increase. Therefore, it is important that hormones are balanced so that weight loss becomes easier. Let us know which are the hormones that cause weight gain.

1. Insulin

Insulin Sensitivity

The main function of the insulin hormone is to transport glucose into the cells of the body. The body uses this glucose as energy. If the level of insulin in the blood increases, it causes weight gain. Many researches have revealed that increasing insulin levels in the body causes incurable diseases like diabetes.

2. Thyroid

Thyroid Disease

Thyroid hormone is produced in the neck. This hormone helps in maintaining proper metabolism in the body. The problem of weight gain and obesity is seen in women whose body does not have thyroid hormone balance. Also, it causes many problems like fatigue, weakness, etc.

Note: If your weight is increasing without any reason and it is not reducing even with things like dieting and exercise, then contact your doctor. We all know that increasing weight and obesity both cause many diseases.

3. Testosterone

Due to changes in lifestyle and diet, a hormonal problem called PCOS has become common in women these days. Due to this hormone, the level of testosterone in the body increases, which causes problems of weight, periods, facial hair, and infertility. Due to testosterone, the weight and obesity of the belly and hips start increasing.

4. Estrogen


Estrogen is a female sex hormone. When women have menopause-related problems, weight starts increasing due to falling estrogen levels in the body. Due to an increase in estrogen levels, water retention in the body increases, due to which women feel bloated.

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