What Are Congenital Birth Defects?

What are congenital birth defects?

Congenital birth Shortcomings come on congenital inconsistencies One Children In physical come on functional inadequacy Are. in these From Any One Of with Our Newborn baby To Look Real Heart to break the one yes Can Is.

Shortcoming Then developed Would Is When Child Mother Of Pregnancy In increase Stayed Would Is. pregnancy Of First 3 months In the majority of types of Birth Shortcoming was Are And Lab Test come on ultrasonography scan of Help From Children Of Birth From First His Identification of Go can Is. Some? Children Of Birth Of after hee appeared to give Are, Whereas Other Children Of Children Of Form In appeared to give Are.

One Birth Shortcoming, come on So structural come on functional usually But Children Of Life But long term Effect falls Is. Some? Shortcoming Birth Of after surgical Form From improve goes Are, Whereas Some? Progress Do live Are.

WHO Of According, the whole World In every Year Birth Of 4 Week Of within Newborn babies In 3, 03,000 deaths was Are.

usually But World Filled Of children In Birth Of To all severe severe Shortcoming Heart Shortcoming, neural tube Shortcoming And downs syndrome Are.

researcher it No Life got Are That Birth From First Babies In What Shortcoming was Are. scientists has congenital disorders Of Some? Chief reasons of Identification of Is Who Often various Search studies In see Went Were.

1. Chromosome Birth Shortcoming 

chromosomes of Number In Shortcoming come on One come on More chromosomes of structure, come on chromosomes Of One Part defects In result does Is. As down syndrome, turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Etcetera.

2. Genetic Shortcoming

One come on One From More genes In Shortcoming, mutation come on Change congenital disorders To Birth give happened Their Inappropriate Work To Birth gives Is. As cystic fibrosis, Muscles of dystrophy, congenital Heart Shortcoming, sickle Cell anemia, cleft palate, cleft Lips, spina bifida, Etcetera genetic Shortcoming Children In From One come on Both MotherFather To defective Jean Take go From Heritage In meet Are.

3. Pregnancy Of during Issues:

pregnancy Of during Mother-In Infection. babies Of Brain In E.Jedica virus Birth Shortcoming last Year Big Worry Of Reason Was. Other infections In cytomegalovirus, Chicken Pox virus, German Measles virus Etcetera Involved Are.
1. Mother In Old diseases As High blood pressure, diabetes, Self–Immunized disorder Etcetera.
2. pregnancy Of during Cigarette drink And Liquor Of intake
3. pregnancy Of during Mother By Took go the one Some? medicines As. thalidomide, isotretinoin And retinoid-containing medicines
4. pregnancy Of during hydrocarbon As chemicals By Environment pollution Of For risk.
5. Some? nutritious elements of less As folic acid of less From neural tube Shortcoming come on spine of Bone Of Shortcoming was Are.
6. Mother of 35 Year From More of Pregnancy.

Zika virus congenital birth defect

Zika virus Birth Shortcoming

4। Social Factor:
1. General Marriage From Rare genetic Birth defects of Possibility increase caste Is. hemophilia, cystic fibrosis Birth Shortcomings
2. Less Income ones families In pregnancy Of during Mother Of nutrition Of Reason Birth Shortcoming Of with Birth to take ones children of Possibility More was Is.
3. Birth Shortcomings of Type
4. Birth Shortcomings come on congenital anomalies To main Form From structural anomalies And functional anomalies In classified Did go Is.
5. structural Birth Shortcoming One come on One From More Body Of organs of structure In Option Are, As That cleft Lips, cleft palate, club Feet, Heart Shortcoming, spine of Bone In Shortcoming (spina bifida), Etcetera.
6. functional come on Developmental inconsistencies Body In One Fixed way Of work In disorder Are. As, muscular dystrophy, Deafness come on blindness, hypothyroidism, Phenylketonuria, Etcetera.
7. When babies Of Development Mother Of Pregnancy In slow Would Is, So babies In Birth Shortcoming of Possibility More was Is. Its apart from, One From More Birth Shortcoming ones babies Of Pregnancy In slow Development Would Is. Birth From First fetus of slow Growth congenital discrepancy To point out Tax can Is.

common congenital anomalies

usually But see go ones congenital defects In Involved Are:

1 Spina bifida One neural tube Birth Shortcoming Is Where nerve cord Of off to be of Failure was Is, Who after In developing fetus In spine of Bone making Is. bowel And urinary bladder Celebration, paralysis And legs In sensation Of damage, And walking In Inability In abnormality Of Shortcoming Would Is. severe cases In death Indispensable Is. neural tube defects Of Other forms In anencephaly (Brain And Skull shortcomings), encephalocele (Skull In One hole Of Channel From Brain Of One part to raise), Etcetera Involved Are.

Spina bifida congenital birth defect

spina bifida

2 cleft Lips And cleft palate Skull of Bone Of to join In One Shortcoming Is whom maxilla Said go Is Who Mouth of Roof makes Is. These ones with come on Lonely Present yes Can Are. surgery From Shortcoming To Correct Did Go Can Is.

Cleft Lips Congenital Birth Shortcoming

Cleft Lips

3 congenital Heart Shortcoming genetic Shortcoming From Yield was Are. in these septal shortcomings (Heart Of chambers To apart to do the one Wall In Shortcoming), valves In Shortcoming Etcetera Involved Are, congenital Heart Shortcoming Of with born happened Children to feed Of after Breath to flourish Of Reason crying Are, come on to feed In Able No Are, By which baby Of Inappropriate Development Would Is.

4 Hip Joint Of congenital chaos girls In saw go the one One And General Birth Shortcoming Is. physical Test But the Shortcoming Of Address planted go Is. Some? children In Affected Feet of Length Other General legs of Compare In Small was Is. When Child Walking learns Is So Children To Problem Of face to do In Difficulty was Is.

5 hypospadias boys In to be the one One Birth Shortcoming Is. gender But urethra Of Inauguration gender of tip Of apart from One unusual place But Is. hypospadias One chromosome Shortcoming Is And Improvement Of For surgery of Need was Is.

Disclaimer: Article In Gave Went Information Of Objective commercial Treatment Advice, Diagnosis come on treatment Of Option No Is. Always Our Doctor of Advice Take it.

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