Various Vitamins for Sleep Deprivation You Can Consume

Many people experience a lack of sleep, whether it’s due to certain health conditions, lifestyle, to work demands. If this habit persists for a long time, you can experience a number of serious health problems. To overcome this, you may need vitamins for sleep deprivation and various other lifestyle changes.

Some health risks due to lack of sleep include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure, stroke, obesity, depression, decreased immunity, stress, premature aging, to low sex drive.

Table of Content

1. Various vitamins for sleep deprivation that can be consumed
2. Other nutrients to help you sleep well
3. Another way to deal with sleep deprivation

Various vitamins for sleep deprivation can be consumed

To get enough sleep, there are several things you can do. One of them is to meet the need of vitamins for those who have trouble sleeping.

Here are the types of vitamins that can help you sleep better.

1. Vitamin C

A number of studies have shown that people with low levels of vitamin C tend to suddenly wake up from sleep irregularly.

Therefore, adding a vitamin supplement for sleep deprivation such as vitamin C  can help you to stay asleep without waking up during the night.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is also thought to have an effect on sleep quality. Vitamin D deficiency can cause you to not get a good night’s sleep, delay sleep duration, and increase the risk of sleep disorders.

Some studies have linked certain sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia, to low levels of vitamin D.

Therefore, getting enough vitamins for those who have trouble sleeping can help you fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality without disturbances that cause sudden awakening.

3. Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B complex can be considered as a vitamin for sleep deprivation because of its benefits in improving the quality of sleep.

Vitamin B6 can help you sleep better. Meanwhile, low levels of vitamin B12 are associated with insomnia. Meeting the needs of this vitamin can help regulate sleep and wake cycles.

Other nutrients to help you sleep well

In addition to vitamins for sleep deprivation, there are a number of minerals that can also help you get enough sleep and improve sleep quality.

1. Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm. A number of studies show that taking melatonin supplements is considered effective in helping you to sleep better.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium also plays an important role in good sleep. This mineral can help the body produce the hormone melatonin so you can sleep regularly and more soundly.

3. Iron

Iron deficiency can cause your sleep to be restless. Because this mineral deficiency can cause a sleep disorder called restless leg syndrome. Therefore, it is very important to meet your daily iron needs.

4. Calcium

A study found that calcium deficiency can cause disturbances in the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep. In order to sleep well, you must go through this phase of sleep.

The study further explains that when calcium levels in the body are sufficient, the REM sleep phase can return to normal.

Another way to deal with sleep deprivation

In addition to taking vitamins for sleep deprivation, you also need to determine the cause of sleep disturbances. If the lack of sleep is due to an illness, such as sleep apnea or insomnia, you should consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

Some people can also experience sleep deprivation because they are forced, for example in night shift workers. This condition can cause shift work sleep disorder (SWSD) syndrome, which disrupts your body’s circadian rhythm.

If this is the case, you can take the vitamin supplements for sleep deprivation described earlier and make a number of lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Create a bedtime routine by creating a conducive atmosphere, for example keeping the room dark, comfortable, and quiet.
  • Make sure to always sleep after coming home from work. Darken your room and get ready for bed.
  • Reduce caffeine intake. Also, limit caffeine consumption at least 6 hours before bedtime.
  • Limit yourself to things that can interfere with sleep, including making sure your phone is on silent or silent.

In addition, in choosing vitamins for sleep deprivation, you should adjust it to the conditions you are experiencing. Just take the vitamins that you need or that you feel are lacking.

If these methods do not work, you should check with your doctor to get the right treatment. Your doctor can prescribe medication or recommend therapy according to your needs.

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