Various Impacts of Blood Flow in the Legs are Not Smooth

The most common effects of poor blood flow in the legs are tingling, numbness, swollen legs, and even gangrene. Many of these conditions can occur because the feet do not get the oxygen and nutrition they need.

The blood circulation system plays an important role in flowing blood, nutrients, and oxygen throughout the body. If the blood flow is not smooth, these substances are not distributed well so that the body cannot carry out its functions. The parts of the body that often experience irregular blood flow are the feet and hands.

Actually, the blood flow is not smooth in the legs is a sign of a health disorder. A variety of conditions can trigger blood flow in the legs to not be smooth, ranging from smoking, peripheral artery disease, obesity, varicose veins, diabetes, to deep vein thrombosis.

Not only caused by various things, blood flow in the legs that is not smooth can also cause certain conditions. Some of the effects of poor blood flow in the legs are tingling, numbness, and swelling.

Various Impacts of Blood Flow in the Legs are Not Smooth

The following are some of the effects you can experience when the blood flow in the legs is not smooth:

1. Blockage of blood vessels

Blockage of blood vessels is one of the effects of poor blood flow in the legs. Blockages in these blood vessels can be in the form of thrombus or emboli.

A thrombus is a blood clot that forms and is located in a blood vessel. While emboli are blood clots, foreign bodies, or other body substances stuck in blood vessels.

If the blood clot in the leg breaks, the condition can affect other parts of the body, such as the heart and lungs, and can even cause a stroke.

2. Nerve damage

Nerve damage due to poor blood flow in the legs often causes numbness, tingling, and weakness in the legs, as well as a stabbing or burning pain. One of the diseases that cause poor blood circulation that can trigger nerve damage is diabetes.

3. Swelling of the feet

Blood clots are one of the causes of poor blood flow in the legs. The blood that clots will later clog the blood vessels, causing the legs to swell. If it causes blood vessel damage, this swollen leg can be accompanied by pain. According To khanacademymedicine Hypertension and blood vessel damage | Circulatory System and Disease

In addition to blood clots, swollen legs due to poor blood flow can also be caused by fluid accumulation. This condition causes the legs to become swollen, tight, and difficult to move.

4. Infection

Infection can also be one of the effects of poor blood flow in the legs. Improper blood flow can cause leg wounds that usually take longer to heal.

5. Gangrene

Gangrene can occur if the blood flow in the leg is not smooth and is not treated immediately. This is a serious condition that can cause tissue death in the legs. Some of the symptoms of gangrene are swollen and red feet, severe pain or numbness, and cuts or abrasions.

Patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis, peripheral artery disease, and Raynaud’s syndrome are at high risk of gangrene due to poor blood supply to the legs.

The impact of blood flow in the legs is not smooth at risk of being experienced by people over 40 years old and who have special medical conditions.

You can prevent blood flow in the legs, as well as in other parts of the body, from not being smooth by adopting the following healthy lifestyle:

1. Consume balanced nutritious food
2. Exercise regularly
3. No smoking
4. Maintain an ideal weight
5. Manage stress
6. Control blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol

If you suspect that you are experiencing the effects of irregular blood flow in your legs, it is best to check yourself with a doctor to ascertain the cause and get the right treatment.

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