Varicocele Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Varicocele Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Varicocele is a condition of widening of the veins in the testicular sac. Enlargement of these veins is similar to varicose veins in the legs. This disease most often occurs in the left scrotum and affects 10 out of 100 men.

In general, varicocele sufferers do not complain of pain and do not require special therapy.

However, in some cases, a varicocele can affect sperm production and quality and testicular growth.

Varicocele Symptoms 

Varicocele is often experienced without any significant symptoms. In some cases, a varicocele may be accompanied by mild pain.

In addition, the symptoms of a varicocele that appear can be discomfort around the scrotum which increases when standing for a long time. Complaints will slowly subside by lying down and resting.

Under certain conditions, a varicocele can affect sperm quality and production. Therefore, it is not uncommon for infertility or impaired fertility to be the main reason when patients seek treatment for the first time.

Varicocele Reason

Until now, the exact cause of varicocele is not known. However, experts argue that varicoceles can form due to valve disorders in the veins.

This valve disorder causes blood flow to not run smoothly and causes dams in certain parts of the vein.

Dams in these veins cause their walls to widen and swelling in the surrounding area.

The following is a complete explanation of what a varicocele is.


Not yet known with certainty the risk factors for varicocele.


The doctor will do a direct physical examination of the testicles. Generally, on physical examination, a testicular mass will be felt that feels like a “pouch of worms”.

The testicular mass will only be felt if the size of the varicocele is large enough. If the mass is smaller, the doctor will ask the patient to stand up, take a deep breath, and hold it while pushing.

This method can help detect abnormalities in blood vessels.

In certain cases, the doctor will order an ultrasound of the scrotum.

Varicocele Treatment

Most cases of varicocele do not require special treatment.

However, if pain occurs, fertility problems or the testicles become smaller, how to treat a varicocele is:

  • Open surgery performed with an incision in the groin or lower abdomen
  • Laparoscopic surgery by making small incisions in the abdomen and using small tools that will repair the structure of the veins in the scrotum
  • Embolization, namely by inserting fluids or blockages in enlarged veins with the aim of inhibiting blood flow to these veins


There is no specific way to prevent varicoceles that can be done to avoid varicoceles.


If not handled properly, a varicocele can cause the testicles to shrink and ultimately unable to function at all.

When it is not functioning, the patient’s reproductive ability will be sacrificed. The testicles are no longer able to produce sperm. Even if possible, the quality is not as optimal as it should be.

When to See a Doctor?

If you feel symptoms such as pain in the scrotum that are worsened by standing for a long time, a mass is felt in the testicles, or one of the testicles feels small, see a doctor immediately.

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