UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria 2024: Educational qualification, age limit and Know Everything

Candidates wishing to appear in the UPSC exam must know the UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria prescribed for it. The Commission has set the UPSC IAS Eligibility Criteria which include age limit, educational qualification, etc. UPSC IAS preparation process starts with detailed knowledge of UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria. In this article, we have covered all the points of UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria in prescribed for the IAS exam.

Indian Administrative Service (IAS) formerly known as Imperial Civil Service (ICS), It is a civil services examination and is considered to be one of the toughest competitive examinations in India. It is administered by the Union Public Service Commission for the recruitment of officers for the All India Administrative Civil Services. UPSC IAS Recruitment Examination is conducted in 3 stages i.e. Preliminary, Main and Interview Examination.

Candidates applying for the UPSC Examination are advised to read the UPSC IAS Eligibility Criteria before filling the online application form) Check all the details properly. This article covers all the topics of UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria in terms of age limit, nationality, educational qualification, etc.

UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants for UPSC Civil Services can check the UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria here. Candidates must mandatorily fulfill these criteria by filling the application form.

criteria General EWS Other backward classes SC/ST physically handicapped candidates
age 21- 32 years 21-32 years 21-35 years 21-37 years 21-42 years
Educational Qualification Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university.
nationality Must be a citizen of India, a person of Indian origin or

a person of Nepal, Bhutan or Tibet and settled in India before 1 January 1962.

Number Of Attempts 6 attempts 6 attempts 9 attempts up to age limit 9 attempts for General and OBC candidates and unlimited age limit for SC/ST candidates
important point There is an age limit set by UPSC IAS for the candidates appearing in UPSC IAS 2023.

A candidate must be 21 years of age. The cut-off date will be August 1, 2023.

Age limit Age Limit

Candidates willing to appear for UPSC IAS exam must fulfill the minimum and maximum age limit prescribed by the Commission to be eligible for UPSC IAS exam. As per the notification of 2023, the minimum age of the candidates to be eligible for the exam is as follows:

  • Minimum age limit is 21 years.
  • Age limit is 32 years for General, 35 years for OBC, 37 years for SC/ST, The Standard age limit for EWS is applicable.
  • For ECOs/SSCOs who have completed the initial period of assignment of five years of military service, the limit is 32 years.
  • For PwD candidates this limit is 37 years.

Age Relaxation UPSC Eligibility Criteria

Some candidates have been provided age relaxation as per their category, details of which are mentioned in the table given here.

Category age relaxation 
Other backward classes 3 years
Defense Service Personnel rendered incapable of operating during hostilities

with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a result thereof

3 years
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe 5 years
Ex-servicemen including commissioned officers and ECOs/SSCOs

with a minimum 5 years of military service by August 1, 2023, have been released

5 years
Public Works Department (a) Blindness and low vision; (b) deaf and hard of hearing;

(c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, cured leprosy, dwarfism,

acid attack victims & muscular dystrophy;

(d) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness

(e) persons with multiple disabilities including deaf-blindness under clauses (a) to (d).

10 years


Educational Qualification Educational Qualification

Candidates wishing to appear in the examination must have minimum educational qualifications as per UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria. To know about the minimum educational qualification required, check the details given here:

  • The minimum qualification for the UPSC exam is that the candidate must have a bachelor’s degree from a government-recognized university or equivalent qualification.
  • Those candidates who are waiting for the result or are in their final year are also eligible to appear for the UPSC preliminary exam. All such candidates who are qualified for the UPSC exam should ensure to confirm that they qualify the said exam along with applying for the Main IAS exam.
  • Candidates possessing technical and professional qualifications recognized by the Government equivalent to professional and technical degrees.
  • Medical students who have passed the final year of MBBS but still have to complete their internship are also eligible for the UPSC exam. However, along with the application for the Main Examination, a certificate of completion of educational qualification as well as a degree from the concerned authority of the University/Institute must be submitted.

Nationality UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria

It is mandatory for the candidates applying for the UPSC CSE exam to be an Indian citizen. Candidates must also fulfill other requirements to be eligible for the UPSC IAS exam. Here is the detailed description about nationality as per UPSC IAS Eligibility Criteria, which is as follows:

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India or
  • citizen of Nepal
  • a subject of Bhutan
  • The candidate must be a Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962, to settle permanently in India
  • The candidate must be a person of Indian origin who has migrated from the given countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zaire or Zambia with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Number of attempts Number Of Attempts

Candidates from different categories will be able to appear for the UPSC CSE exam up to a certain number of times, which is mentioned here in this article.

  • General Category: 6 attempts till the age of 32 years.
  • OBC: 9 attempts till the age of 35 years.
  • SC/ST: Unlimited attempts till 37 years of age.
  • Physically Handicapped/Disabled candidates belonging to the General Category will get the benefit of 9 attempts till the age prescribed by UPSC: 42 years.

Physical Standards Physical Standards

Candidates who wish to join any post of All India Services must compulsorily appear and qualify a physical examination which will be conducted by the examination conducting body as per the rules and regulations prescribed by the Government of India. . It is mandatory to pass the physical standard test for the efficient performance of duties and services. Physical Standard Test consists of both physical and mental tests, so candidates must be physically and mentally fit to join any post of All India Services. Candidates who will not satisfy the requirements of the physical standard examination as decided by the institution will not be appointed to any post of All India Services. Candidates are required to attend the medical test which will be conducted by the following hospitals of Delhi. will go:

  • Safdarjung Hospital
  • Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital
  • Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital
  • Sucheta Kripalani Hospital
  • Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital
  • Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital
  • BR Ambedkar Hospital

Medical Test for candidates belonging to the Physical Disability category will be conducted by the following hospitals in Delhi:

  • Safdarjung Hospital
  • Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital
  • LHMC
  • Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital
  • Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital

Candidates who may require an Appellate Special Medical Board for their eye conditions will be referred to Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi for their medical examination.

UPSC CSE Exam Pattern UPSC CSE Exam Pattern

Candidates can check the exam pattern of both UPSC Prelims and Mains exams through the details given here. which is like this:

UPSC CSE Prelims Exam Pattern UPSC CSE Prelims Exam Pattern

Subject type of exam number of questions score exam period
Paper I – General Studies objective 100 200 2 hours
Paper II – Aptitude Test (CSAT) objective 80 200 2 hours

UPSC IAS Mains Exam Pattern UPSC IAS Mains Exam Pattern

IAS UPSC Mains exam is one of the toughest exams in the world. It is conducted over 5 days on 7 different papers including 2 optional subjects. Candidates should understand the exam pattern well before they start preparing for the exam and perform better in the exam. The details of the exam pattern for the main exam are as follows:

Paper title of paper score
paper 1 essay writing 250 points
paper 2 General Studies-I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of World and Society) 250 points
paper 3 General Studies-II (Governance, Constitution, Politics,

Social Justice and International Relations)

250 points
paper 4 General Studies-III (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-Diversity,

Environment, Security and Disaster Management)

250 points
paper 5 General Studies-IV (Ethics, Integrity and Competence) 250 points
paper 6 Optional Subject – Paper 1 250 points
paper 7 Optional Subject – Paper 2 250 points
subtotal in written exam 1750 points
Personal interview 275 points
Grand total (for merit calculation) 2025 marks

Roles and Responsibilities of IAS Officers Roles and Responsibilities of IAS Officers

The role of IAS officers is a very prestigious one, which requires a lot of transparency and respect. To manage the work pressure without succumbing to stress, it is also important that an officer is physically and mentally fit and safe. The tasks and duties assigned to an IAS officer are as follows:

  • To handle government matters relating to policy formulation and implementation in consultation with the concerned Minister.
  • Supervising the implementation of policies and even visiting locations where recognized policies will be implemented.
  • Policy implementation requires the disbursement of resources by individual oversight.
  • Responsible for any violation of rules during service by Parliament and State Legislatures.
  • At different job levels, the roles and duties are different.
  • At the sub-divisional level, IAS officers initially enter the state government, resuming their services as Sub-Divisional Magistrates and taking charge of law and order, general administration and development work in the area assigned to them. Are.
  • The position of District Officer, also known as District Magistrate, District Collector or Deputy Commissioner, is a highly respected and accountable post held by IAS officers.
  • An IAS officer looks after district affairs at the district level including the implementation of development programmes. Officers may also be appointed to the state secretariat or may serve as heads of departments or public sector undertakings.
  • At the Centre, as Cabinet Secretaries, Secretaries/Additional Secretaries, Joint Secretaries, Directors, Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries, IAS officers work at the highest level. They are appointed to these posts on the basis of seniority.
  • IAS officers at the Center play a vital role in formulating and concluding policies related to a specific sector, such as finance, trade etc. IAS officers serving at various levels, i.e. Joint Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries, provide valuable feedback during the course of. Policy making and decision making.

We hope that you have got enough idea about all the UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria prescribed for it which you need to keep in mind before applying for UPSC IAS Exam 2023. You can post your doubts in the comment section. Keeping this in mind, candidates should prepare well and ensure to score well. You can also read our more articles on the UPSC IAS Exam 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q.1 Can a degree pass apply for the UPSC CSE exam 2023?

Ans: Ans.1 Yes, a person having any degree in the relevant field can apply for it.

Q.2 As per UPSC eligibility criteria, can undergraduate final-year students apply for the UPSC IAS Exam 2024?

Ans. Yes, final-year graduation students can apply for the UPSC IAS Exam 2024.

Q.3 What is the age limit mentioned in the UPSC eligibility criteria for IAS exam 2023?

Ans. The minimum normal age to appear for the IAS exam is 21 years and the maximum is 32 years.

Q.4 What is the educational qualification required to appear in UPSC CSE Exam 2024?

Ans. Candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree from a government-recognized universities or its equivalent qualification.

Q.5 How much age relaxation is given to OBC for the UPSC IAS exam?

Ans. The age relaxation given to OBC for the UPSC IS exam is 3 years.

Q.6 If I apply for Civil Services Preliminary Examination but do not appear in any paper will it count as one attempt?

Ans. No, if you apply for the Civil Services Preliminary Examination but do not appear in any paper, it will not be counted as one attempt.

Q.7 Do I have to clear a physical test for selection in UPSC?

Ans. Yes, candidates who wish to join any post of All India Services will have to appear and compulsorily qualify a physical examination which is conducted as per the rules and regulations prescribed by the Government of India for conducting the examination. Will be organized by the same organization.

Q.8 What is the duration of the UPSC Paper 1 exam?

Ans. Candidates will be given a total of 2 hours for this objective-type examination.

Q.9 As per the eligibility criteria, can a foreign student apply for the UPSC IAS exam?

Ans. No, a candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the UPSC IAS exam.

Q.10 How many attempts are available for General/EWS category applicants?

Ans 6 attempts are available for General/EWS category applicants.

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