Umbilical Cord Care Basics

The nutrition of the baby growing in your womb depends on the umbilical cord. It is responsible for meeting the nutritional needs of your baby during pregnancy. When your baby is born, you can see an inch-long stump, purple in color. At this time you should take care so that infection and irritation do not occur.

Stump Care

Here are some things to keep in mind that will help you understand how to care for your umbilical cord stump:

keep it clean and dry

Clean the umbilical cord with rubbing alcohol. Doctors recommend leaving the umbilical cord alone because alcohol can cause irritation and may also delay healing of the stump. You can also use golden seal root and echinacea on the recommendation of a pediatrician. Keep it exposed to air to keep it dry. This measure is very important which reduces the treatment time considerably. Do not let the diaper touch the cord stump; you can cut or fold the diaper to prevent irritation.

bathe carefully

To bathe the baby, either use a mug or use a sponge and do not use the sink or tub until the stump falls off. Keep the child under a fan to dry it completely, do not rub it as it may cause irritation.

keep it closed

Let the cord heal on its own and fall out. Do not use any home remedies to speed up the process.

How to detect infection?

Below are some common signs of infection:

1. Swelling or redness of the umbilical cord
2. White or yellow pimple-like discharge
3. Unclear Discharge
4. Signs of restlessness appear in the child.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, consult a pediatrician immediately because it can lead to an infection of the umbilical stump called omphalitis, which can be fatal.
Umbilical Granuloma

An umbilical granuloma is a firm tissue, its color is similar to a pinkish-red mark. The stump of this tissue does not form with time after the cord is closed. The condition is characterized by a persistent yellowish-green discharge. This infection is different in that there is no swelling, redness or fever.

Types of Belly Buttons:

Apart from the general condition, people also have the wrong notions about the types of navel due to which people try to change the type of navel which is futile. The navel is divided into two parts – infi and outi. Just as a coin is tossed and the object is taped to ensure an innings, it is not true that any prediction can be made from the type of navel.

The best way to take care of the umbilical cord is to leave it alone. Let it come out on its own. Don’t pull. And if you see something different which is not normal then immediately consult a doctor.

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