Types of Toothache Mouthwash and Their Uses

Toothache mouthwash is often used to help relieve toothache. However, in addition to relieving pain or toothache complaints, mouthwash can also be used to help maintain dental and oral health and hygiene.

You may often use mouthwash to get rid of bad breath. However, there are actually many other benefits of mouthwash that you can get. These benefits depend on the content or active ingredients in the mouthwash used.

Types of Toothache Mouthwash and Their Uses

Types of Toothache Mouthwash

Mouthwash on the market is divided into two types. There is a mouthwash whose function is only to freshen the mouth, there is also a mouthwash that serves to overcome dental and oral problems. This mouthwash can be purchased over the counter or using a doctor’s prescription.

The following are some types of mouthwash and their contents:

  1. Chlorhexidine mouthwash
    Chlorhexidine is a mouthwash that serves to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth and treat inflammation of the gums or gingivitis.
    Chlorhexidine can only be obtained through a doctor’s prescription. If used too often or used outside the doctor’s advice, this mouthwash can cause side effects in the form of mouth irritation, dry mouth, impaired sense of taste, formation of dental plaque, and tooth discoloration.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide mouthwash
    Hydrogen peroxide is a substance that is widely used in cleaning products. In addition, substances that have antibacterial properties are also safe to use as a mouthwash for toothaches, as long as the concentration is only 1-3 percent.
    Some health research shows that this active substance can relieve swelling of the gums and whiten teeth, as well as a sore throat remedy.
    However, mouthwash containing hydrogen peroxide has side effects in the form of damage to the pulp and nerve tissue of the teeth. Therefore, the use of toothache mouthwash that contains hydrogen peroxide should be done according to the doctor’s advice.
  3. Fluoride mouthwash
    Most toothache mouthwash on the market contains fluoride as the active ingredient. Fluoride is proven to be effective in strengthening teeth and preventing cavities caused by acids or bacteria.
    Because of its usefulness, fluoride mouthwash is good for people who are at risk of developing tartar, such as the elderly and people who don’t take good care of their teeth.
    In addition, users of braces, dentures, and sufferers of dry mouth are also advised to rinse their mouth with a fluoride mouthwash as directed by a doctor.
    Although rare, toothache mouthwash that contains fluoride can cause side effects in the form of irritation of the mouth and gums if used excessively. This medicine is also not recommended for use by children under 7 years of age.
  4. Herbal mouthwash
    There are many types of herbal plants that are often used as a mouthwash for toothache. Some examples of these plants include cloves, betel leaf, aloe vera, ginger, and peppermint.
    As the name suggests, herbal mouthwashes contain certain substances or essential oils extracted from plants. Some of the substances contained in these herbal plants are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, so they are widely used as a mouthwash for toothaches and mouthwash to maintain healthy teeth and mouth.
    Good dental care starts with brushing your teeth twice a day, followed by flossing(cleaning between the teeth with dental floss), then followed by gargling using mouthwash. When choosing a mouthwash for a toothache, avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol as much as possible.

In addition, to maintain and care for dental and oral health, you also need to check your teeth to the dentist regularly, at least every 6 months. During a consultation, the doctor can suggest the right type of mouthwash according to the condition of your teeth.

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