Types Of Apples And Their Characteristics

There are thousands of varieties of apples around the world, each with its own flavour, texture, and colour. Sweet, sour, crunchy, soft… We review the most common types of apple and their characteristics.

Cultivation of this fruit probably began more than 4,000 years ago in Central Asia. Since then, apples have been cultivated throughout the world, being one of the most well-known foods, although not necessarily the most consumed. Apples have been an important source of food and drink in many cultures and civilizations, being the precursors of all kinds of processed foods. What types of apples are there? Which are the best?

How many types of apples are there in the world?

It is estimated that there are more than 7,500 varieties of Malus domestica, which is the scientific name for the apple tree. These are spread throughout the world, although many of them are little known and are grown in very specific regions. Since apples vary greatly in size, colour, flavour, and texture, it is logical to classify them into different categories according to their characteristics. For example, we can find table apples, cooking apples, cider apples, wild apples…

The most common, and logical, approach is to differentiate them by varieties. A plant variety refers to a subspecies of the plant and is distinguished by particular characteristics such as its appearance, flavour, resistance to diseases or adaptability to certain climates, among other traits. These varieties can be the result of natural selection and evolution processes, or of human interventions through artificial selection and the creation of hybrids.

The most popular types of apples

Some of the most popular apples worldwide are the Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Gala, and Fuji. For European sales, we could also include the Braeburn, Jonagold, and Elstar. So, are these the best apple varieties? Technically, there are no champions. Simply, each variety has its own audience or situation. Based on the above selection, however, we can make the following list of apples.

Red Delicious Apple

Red Delicious Apple

When you think of a perfect apple, like the one the old witch would give to Snow White, you probably imagine a Red Delicious. This is one of the most well-known and popular apples in the world. It was discovered in the late 19th century in the United States and has been one of the most widely cultivated apples in the world ever since. Its skin is bright red and its flesh is white and juicy. Although it is not particularly firm or crunchy (depending on the ripeness), it has a sweet but mild flavour. Some sub-varieties of the Red Delicious can be a little bitter, which also broadens the audience for those who enjoy it.

Granny Smith Apple

Granny Smith Apple

The Granny Smith apple variety is native to Australia. This is one of the most popular varieties in the world, as we said, and was first discovered in the 19th century by Maria Ann Smith (from which it gets its name), a farmer from the Ryde region of New South Wales.

Granny Smith is known primarily for its acidic taste and crunchy texture, its green skin, and its firm, white flesh. It is widely used in the preparation of desserts and cakes, as its characteristics make it ideal for baking. It is a very resistant variety and its cultivation has spread to many countries around the world, making it one of the most popular and internationally recognized apples.

Green Reinette Apple

Green Reinette Apple

The Reineta Verde is a variety of apples originating in Europe. It is a medium-sized apple, rounded and flattened at the edges. Its skin is light green or greenish-yellow, with lenticels (small dark spots) that may be more or less visible. Its flesh is firm, with a soft and juicy texture, and has a sweet taste with a hint of acid.

This variety is mainly used in the preparation of desserts and jams, but also in the production of cider. It is an apple that adapts well to cool and humid climates and is mainly grown in France, Spain, and other European countries. It is harvested in autumn and plays an important role as a fruit available during the winter.

Pink Lady Apple

Pink Lady Apple

The Pink Lady apple is another variety native to Australia. It is characterized by having deep pink skin and a very attractive firm and crunchy flesh. It is considered a premium apple due to its intense sweet flavor with acidic nuances, as well as its juicy and “crunchy” texture. Although it comes from overseas, this variety is well-grown in Europe, including Spain, Italy, and France. It is also commonly found in the United States and Chile.

The Pink Lady variety is one of the newest varieties in the world of apples. It was selected in the 1970s in Australia and is an apple that requires a very specific climate to be grown. It needs a large number of hours of sunlight and warm temperatures during the day and cool temperatures at night.

Fuji apple

Fuji apple

The Fuji apple is a variety that originated in Japan in the 1930s. Its flavor is sweet, with a juicy, crisp palatability, and a firm skin texture. The skin is yellowish-green with red stripes, similar to the Royal Gala in certain superficial aspects, with its flesh being more yellowish. This variety has become very popular around the world due to its flavor and its ability to stay fresh for a long time.

Golden Delicious Apple

Golden Delicious Apple

The Golden Delicious apple is a variety from the United States. It is characterized by its golden yellow skin and sweet, juicy flesh. It was discovered in the 19th century by a farmer named Anderson Mullins in West Virginia. It is one of the most popular and widely grown apples around the world due to its attractive appearance and flavor. Interestingly, the Golden Delicious, unlike other apple varieties, becomes sweeter and softer over time after it has been harvested, making it even more appetizing to certain palates.

Royal Gala Apple

Royal Gala Apple

We return to the antipodes to find the origin of the Royal Gala apple. This variety is originally from New Zealand. It was created in 1934 from a mutation of the Golden Delicious apple. The variety is very popular due to its sweetness and pleasant flavour, as well as its crisper texture than the Golden Delicious. It is a medium to large apple, with dark red skin and lighter vertical stripes. Its flesh is strikingly white and juicy, and has a sweet flavour with a slight acidic touch. The Royal Gala is one of the most cultivated and consumed apple varieties in the world and can be found in most supermarkets and fruit shops.

Braeburn apple

Braeburn apple

Braeburn is an apple variety also from New Zealand, obtained in 1952. It has smooth, shiny skin with red and yellow stripes and crunchy, juicy flesh with a balanced flavour between sweet and sour. It is a popular apple to eat raw, but it is also used to make pies and other desserts. It is a variety that is grown all over the world, including countries such as Italy, Spain, the United States, Chile, and South Africa.

Jonagold apple

Jonagold apple

Jonagold is a hybrid apple variety originally from the United States, obtained by crossing the Golden Delicious and the Jonathan. It is a large, juicy apple with a sweet and sour taste, ideal for eating fresh or in salads. It is very popular in Europe and the United States and is grown in many countries around the world.

Elstar apple

Elstar apple

Elstar is a Dutch apple variety created in the 1950s by crossing the Golden Delicious and Ingrid Marie varieties. This apple is very popular in Europe and is characterised by its greenish-yellow and red skin, its juicy and firm flesh, and its sweet and sour flavour with a hint of honey. In addition, it is a versatile apple that can be consumed both fresh and cooked.

It is a very versatile apple that can be eaten alone, cooked or in salads. Over the years, the Red Delicious has been the subject of criticism because some farmers have selected it more for its appearance than for its flavour or texture, which has led to the production of apples that are not very palatable, but are, nevertheless, beautiful.

Other varieties of apple

In addition to the above, with a little effort, we can find countless other varieties. As we have already said, there are thousands of them. Not all of them are available beyond local borders, however. In any case, here are twenty more apple varieties:

  1. Honeycrisp
  2. Rome
  3. McIntosh
  4. Empire
  5. Cortland
  6. Winesap
  7. Jonathan
  8. Arkansas Black
  9. Northern Spy
  10. Stayman
  11. Mutsu
  12. Crispin
  13. Gravenstein
  14. Ambrosia
  15. Pink Pearl
  16. Arkansas Black
  17. Lobo
  18. Liberty…