Tinea Barbae Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Tinea Barbae Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Tinea barbae is an infection caused by a fungus that attacks the area where the beard and mustache grow. Although at first glance the symptoms are similar to tinea capitis, the type of infection is actually different.

Tinea barbae burns the deeper layers of the skin and is only experienced by adult men.

Tinea Barbae Symptoms

The most common symptoms of tinea barbae are:

  • Reddish skin
  • Swollen
  • Raised spots or bumps resembling pimples (pustules)
  • Clasped skin around the hair (kerion)
  • Hair is easy to remove
  • Minimal itching or pain

Tinea Barbae Reason

Tinea barbae is a type of infection that is zoophilic. This means that this infection occurs mediated by animals.

The two types of fungus that cause tinea barbae are:

  • T. Verrucosum (cat-mediated)
  • T. mentagrophytes var. equinum (diperantarai kuda)

Fungal spores that develop in these animals then spread to people with whom they often come into contact. Transmission is very rare from person to person.


The diagnosis of tinea barbae is established on the basis of medical interviews, physical examinations and supporting examinations.

During the medical interview, complaints were found in the form of redness accompanied by itching in the area where the beard and mustache grow. On physical examination, redness, lumps or pimple-like spots were found in the area.

To ensure tinea barbae infection, a supporting examination is needed in the form of a skin scraping or a sample of the hair and its roots from that area which is examined under a microscope.

Tinea Barbae Treatment

Although it is very disturbing in appearance, tinea barbae is actually relatively easy to treat. Treatment can be done with topical or drinking anti-fungal. Antifungal drinks used in the form of terbinafine and itraconazole.

In certain cases where the inflammation is more severe or extensive, the addition of steroid drugs is required. This treatment suppresses the inflammatory reaction and helps speed up recovery.

During treatment, the beard and mustache should be cleaned and compressed regularly. This compress aims to moisturize the area so that the topical treatment is more effectively absorbed and functions to remove the crust that forms around the hair.


Complications that can occur if tinea barbae are not treated properly are secondary infections. Bacteria will also multiply on skin that has been injured due to scratching, for example. One of the visible characteristics of this secondary infection is a festering wound.


Because the spread is mediated by animals, maintaining cleanliness after contact with animals is the key. Make sure pets are checked regularly to avoid breeding fungi in animals which can be a medium for spreading infection.

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