Thyroiditis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Thyroiditis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Thyroiditis is a condition in which inflammation occurs in the thyroid gland. The function of the thyroid gland itself is quite important for the body, because it is here that the hormones T3 and T4 are produced. These two hormones function to regulate the body’s metabolism so that it continues to run as it should.

There are several types of thyroiditis, such as:

  • acute thyroiditis
  • subakut (de Quervain) thyroiditis
  • Autoimmune chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto)
  • post-partum thyroiditis

Thyroiditis Symptoms

Thyroiditis that progresses slowly and over a long period of time can cause damage to the thyroid gland cells. As a result, symptoms of hypothyroidism will appear.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • feel tired easily
  • weight gain
  • constipation
  • dry skin
  • depression

If thyroiditis occurs suddenly and progresses quickly, there will be damage to the thyroid gland cells. In this condition, the hormones stored in these cells will also be released quickly. As a result, symptoms of hyperthyroidism appear.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:

  • emergency
  • insomnia
  • heart palpitations
  • weight loss

Thyroiditis Reason

There are several things that can cause thyroiditis or inflammatory conditions of the thyroid, namely:

  • Inflammation is caused by infections, such as viral and bacterial infections so that the body’s antibodies attack the thyroid gland.
  • Inflammation of the thyroid due to an attack by the body’s own immune system, as in the case of autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • Several types of drugs whose side effects can damage thyroid cells. For example: such as interferon and amiodarone.
  • Radiation treatment techniques, such as for cancer.


To determine the diagnosis of thyroiditis, a series of medical interviews and several examinations can be carried out. Examples of checks that can be carried out include:

  • Laboratory tests to assess levels of TSH ( Thyroid Stimulating Hormone ), T3 and T4.
  • In cases of infection, especially bacterial infections, an increase in the level of white blood cells (leukocytosis) can be found which is working hard to overcome the infection.
  • Radiological examination with a thyroid scan or thyroid ultrasound to find out the condition of the thyroid more clearly.

Thyroiditis Treatment

Thyroiditis treatment depends on the cause and symptoms experienced. In cases of bacterial infections, doctors will usually give antibiotics. In hyperthyroid conditions, antithyroid drugs can be given. While in cases of hypothyroidism can usually be treated with hormone replacement therapy.


There are several things you can do to prevent thyroid disorders. For example, by living a healthy lifestyle with enough physical activity, enough rest, and good stress management.

In addition, get to know the condition of your body and any unusual symptoms that may arise. Get checked as early as possible if you feel something is wrong or unusual in your body.

Also, try things that can help maintain thyroid health. For example by avoiding smoking and keeping yourself from becoming a passive smoker. Consume the recommended amount of iodine or iodized supplements and eat healthy and varied foods.

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