This Movie Can Only Be Seen In The Year 2115

For fans of the Hollywood film industry, the name of Robert Rodriguez, a film director known for unique films such as Sin City, the Spy Kids film series and Alita: Batlle Angel, is one of the individuals whose quality of work is trusted.

Veteran actor and living legend John Malkovich still seems to have not stopped getting involved in film production – even though his age has almost reached 7 decades.

The two joined in a special film production project. What’s special about this movie – 100 Years: The Movie You’ll Never See release date has been set to be released on November 18, 2115.

Actor: John Malkovich
Directors: Robert Rodriguez

We didn’t write it wrong. Year 2115!

Film media as a time capsule

Making a time capsule is one of the efforts that is often carried out by those who want to preserve something, for the benefit of society in the future.

This Movie Can Only Be Seen In The Year 2115

Our country also has various time capsule projects – especially the capsule that is scheduled to open in 2020 due to our country’s target to become one of the most developed countries in that year. However, the passage of time and economic obsolescence resulted (and the pandemic) made the public less interested in the opening of these capsules.

Among the popular materials that are often kept in time capsules such as copies of important documents, the main newspaper on the day the capsule was planted, media formats whether physical or digital involving songs, novels, movies and so on; as well as various other unique ideas in filling the space of a time capsule.

For John Malkovich who acted as the screenwriter and actor and Robert Rodriguez as the director, the opportunity to produce a film that would eventually become a time capsule was a rare opportunity.

An effective marketing gimmick

An effective marketing gimmick
The idea to produce a film that will only be watched after the time capsule is opened, started after the Louis XIII liquor company wanted a twist in their marketing strategy.

Louis XIII contacted John Malkovich to start a collaboration to produce a storyline related to the earth in the next 100 years. The period was chosen to represent the time required for each bottle of the brand’s drink to be fermented, before being sold to the buyer.

The idea was welcomed by Malkovich who designed 3 different situations sharing a background in the script. Robert Rodriguez agreed to direct the film. Malkovich acted as the lead actor assisted by Taiwanese actress Shuya Chang and Chilean actor Marko Zaror.

Not much is known about the theme of the film due to the closely guarded secrecy of the project.

What we know based on the three short teasers that have been released – there are three different earth themes that will be featured in the film depicting three future forms of human civilization with different fates.

Whether the three are related to each other or not, only those involved know the outcome.

Locked for the screening of their grandchildren in attendance

Locked for the screening of their grandchildren in attendance
In the launch ceremony of three brief puffs of the film entitled 100 Years, John Malkovich safely placed the roll of the film in a safe, which could only be opened on November 18, 2115 France witnessed by 1,000 people in attendance. The chest will be kept in Cognac pending its unlocking.

Watch 100 Years: The Movie You’ll Never See Nature Teaser and wait for the Trailer

The safe, designed by a French safe designer company called Fichet-Bauche, has a bulletproof design and a strict security system. Once locked, the iron door of the capsule can only be opened when the appointed time arrives.

There is no other way to open it, as there are no codes or duplicate keys capable of bypassing its locking security system.

A grand ceremony has already been planned in 2115, which is expected to involve the heirs of those who successfully attend the closing ceremony of the time capsule.

In the ceremony, the sponsors told the attendees that it is their responsibility to hand over the tickets to their heirs, so that their grandchildren can attend the premiere scheduled to take place at Domaine du Grollet, France….100 years from now.

Is this a gimmick that will be forgotten?

During the making of the film, there were several versions of the short film that Rodriguez had prepared for the panel to use either as marketing ads or suitable for the film itself.

Is this a gimmick that will be forgotten

Rodriguez admitted that he actually loved the selection of the film by the panel which is now safely locked, because he felt that the film was suitable enough to be shown now as a commercial or a short film; but he had to comply with the producer’s instructions.

Malkovich was quite excited because he felt that this project he participated in was quite different compared to the majority of projects that he has ventured into in his long career. Even funnier, he himself admitted that he has not seen the final version of the film.

What Malkovich hopes is that when the film comes out 100 years from now – audiences will be satisfied with what’s on display even though he will most likely be dead by then.

It’s also quite funny if you think about it in another 100 years, if you look at the time capsule projects that are set in motion today – the meticulous preparation that goes into the production of this film may not achieve the expected impact.

Perhaps in that era, the next generation will no longer watch movies, but instead can be characters in the movie who are able to determine the changes in the storyline in the movie – based on their interaction with the movie.

What do you think? Will this strategy work to interest your great-grandchildren, watching movies that line up famous actors and directors of your time?

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