This is why we have to brush our tongues once when brushing our teeth!

Oral care is very important for health, hygiene and oral beauty so that an individual’s smile always looks charming and radiant.

Because of that, we are strongly advised to take care of it by brushing our teeth and gums with the most ideal frequency.

Even so, you also need to know that just brushing your teeth or gums may not be enough because the tongue also needs attention.

The question is, how do you brush your tongue? Let’s follow this article!

Why brush the tongue?

Undoubtedly, many individuals will ignore the tongue every time doing an oral care routine because they think that it is unimportant.

This is due to the habit factor since childhood which only prioritizes the routine of dental and gum care at least 2 times a day.

We are not saying that the routine of brushing your teeth and gums is not good but it may not be enough!

The main reason oral care should cover the teeth, gums and tongue once is that the mouth area especially the tongue is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Bacteria from these foods may be ‘good’ but many are also ‘bad’ and affect the oral area, including the tongue.

This is the effect of bacteria on your tongue…

Don’t just focus on your teeth and gums if you don’t want the following to happen orally:

#1. Smelly breath

First of all, you need to know that bacteria attached to teeth, gums and tongue are the main cause of bad breath.

The ‘good’ natural bacteria will work against the ‘bad’ however they also need your help.

The help needed is to brush your teeth, gums and tongue so that this layer of bacteria can be removed.

#2. The sense of taste is affected

The deliciousness of food and drink is an undeniable delight however it may be affected if you do not brush your tongue.

This is because the bacteria attached to the tongue can ‘cover’ the layer of the sense of taste thus affecting the ability for this organ to feel.

So, you guys don’t forget to brush this part once when brushing your teeth and gums huh?

#3. Oral disease occurs

As we have mentioned above, bacteria on the tongue and mouth will cause many negative effects including disease.

Among the common ailments that occur in individuals as a result of not or infrequently brushing the tongue are cavities that will affect your smile.

So please practice a better oral care routine by brushing the entire mouth area okay!

How do I brush my tongue?

Many people think that the tongue can be washed or cleansed by simply using oral mouthwash that is widely sold in the market.

Yes, it may help however Dentist John D. Kling states that this routine is inadequate and needs added effort.

According to him, we all need to brush our tongues in a very simple way and use only regular toothbrushes, namely:

1. Brush the tongue from back to front
2. Brush the tongue from side to side
3. Rinse with mouthwash or plain water

However, you are reminded not to brush it too hard so that there is no injury or injury to the tongue.

Or you can use an alternative tongue scraper that is sold in pharmacies and turns out to be more suitable for the tongue.

If you are still experiencing oral-related problems despite having practiced this routine of care, immediately see a dentist for a consultation.

Afraid to see a dentist? Don’t worry anymore!

A common problem that will occur especially in children is the fear of seeing a dentist and this is common.

There are some tips that can be practiced if this fear arises :

1. Start from a young age to get used to it
2. Instill in yourself it is just a reunion
3. Avoid forcing yourself or others
4. Make friends with individuals who experience this fear
5. Distract while receiving treatment
6. Be sure to ask for painkillers if necessary
7. Strengthen the spirit and face it calmly

You guys need to know that an appointment with a dentist is important and it should be done at least once every 6 months.

At the same time, please practice the routine of oral care that is brushing the tongue, teeth and gums well so that oral health can be maintained well.

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