This is how to find out your blood type

How to find out your blood type can be through a blood group test that is done at a clinic or hospital. A blood type test is done by taking a small sample of blood, then this sample will be mixed with blood antigens to determine which blood group you have.

A blood group test is an examination that is carried out to determine a person’s blood type. By understanding your own blood type, you can donate blood or receive blood transfusions safely.

addition, those of you who are married and planning to have children are also advised to find out your own blood group and your partner’s blood rhesus.

Rhesus (Rh) is a special protein (D antigen) found on the surface of red blood cells. People who are rhesus positive (Rh+), have the rhesus antigen. In contrast, rhesus negative (Rh-) has no rhesus antigen.

Complications can occur when a mother with Rh- carries a fetus with Rh+ blood. Different rhesus conditions can threaten the safety of the fetus.

Types of Blood

Blood type is determined by the type of antigen in the red blood cells. Antigens are substances that help the body identify foreign substances that have the potential to harm the body. When the body detects it, the foreign substance will be destroyed.

Blood types are divided into 4 types, namely:

1. Blood type A (has A antigen)
2. Blood type B (has B antigen)
3. Blood type AB (has both A and B antigens)
4. Type O blood (has neither A nor B antigens)

Blood type is also determined by the Rh factor. The full explanation is as follows:

Rhesus positive (Rh+)

People with Rh+ have the Rh antigen on their red blood cells. Rh+ can accept both Rh+ and Rh-.

Rhesus negative (Rh-)

People with Rh- do not have the Rh antigen. They only accept blood from people with the Rh- blood type.

Blood types A, B, AB, O, and Rh are the components that make up your blood group. Overall there are 8 kinds of blood groups, namely; A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, and O-.

How to know blood type

To determine blood type, a small blood sample is needed. The medical personnel will use a needle to take a blood sample through the fingertip. After the blood is drawn, the needle puncture marks will be covered with a plaster.

Next, the blood sample will be mixed with type A & B antigens. The sample is examined for blood cell clumping. If the blood cells stick together or clump together, it means that the blood has reacted with one of the antigens.

Then, the liquid and cell-less parts (plasma) of the blood are mixed with blood groups A and B. Type A blood has anti-B antibodies. Individuals with blood type B have anti-A antibodies. Type O blood contains both types of antibodies, while blood type AB has neither.

A rhesus test is usually done in conjunction with a blood type test. The method is to mix the D antigen in a blood sample.

These methods can determine your blood type accurately. By knowing your blood type above, you will get blood that matches your blood type if a blood transfusion is needed.

Blood Transfusion Rules

Once you know your blood type, you can safely perform or receive blood transfusions. Blood transfusions cannot be done haphazardly. Receiving blood that does not match your blood type can trigger a dangerous immune reaction.

In the past, blood type O was considered a universal donor so it could be donated to any blood type. However, this is no longer fully valid because it is more advisable to get a blood transfusion with the exact same group or rhesus.

So, blood type O, especially O+ should only be given in an emergency situation, i.e. if the patient is in danger of life or the supply of the appropriate blood type is not sufficient.

Usually, before a transfusion is performed, samples of the recipient’s and donor’s blood will be tested for compatibility in a process known as crossmatching to prevent serious risks to the donor-recipient.

If there is a reaction after receiving a blood transfusion, such as itching, a rash, fever, pain in certain body parts, such as the stomach and back, or blood in the urine, you need to immediately see a doctor for further treatment.

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