These are 5 ways to overcome anger to be calmer

These are 5 ways to overcome anger to be calmer

Everyone must have been angry. However, did you know that prolonged anger can trigger various health problems? Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with anger so that you avoid various diseases.

Anger is a common feeling when someone is upset, disappointed, or frustrated about something. If it can be controlled or expressed in the right way, anger can be used to solve problems or deal with certain circumstances.

However, if suppressed or left alone without being managed properly, anger can actually trigger various health problems that have a physical and mental impact.

The Effect of Anger on Health

When angry, the nervous system triggers various biological reactions and one of them is the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. This condition makes the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and breathing increase.

If not addressed immediately, anger can have a negative impact on health, such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, respiratory problems, headaches, digestive disorders, and depression.

Anger can also affect social relationships, and work, or get you in trouble with the law, such as committing a crime, violence, or physical abuse.

Various Ways to Overcome Anger

Anger is a normal form of emotion, but don’t overdo it. It is recommended that you deal with anger in a positive way and control it by trying the following:

1. Breathe and control your mind

When you start to get angry, try to take long, deep breaths and then exhale slowly. Repeat until you feel calm and the anger begins to subside.

You can also count from 1 to 10 while holding your breath to give yourself time to calm down and think clearly.

2. Find the reason or cause of anger

Anger doesn’t just show up. There is always something that can trigger a person to get angry. Well, by knowing the cause, you can focus on overcoming it and finding a way out.

Don’t let the anger that appears have an impact on other people around who are not wrong.

3. Calm down before speaking or acting

When the heart feels hot and emotions are unstable, even speech is sometimes difficult to control. You could easily say something that you will regret later.

Therefore, try to restrain yourself and control your emotions before you speak or act. If necessary, you can take a break or step away from your surroundings until you feel calm.

4. Express anger

When you begin to feel calm and your emotions are under control, you can talk about what makes you angry in a firm way that isn’t confrontational or blaming the person being addressed.

Speak clearly and use words that don’t hurt other people. You can also express your emotions by telling stories with your closest friends or family so you can calm down.

5. Don’t hold grudges

Once you know why you’re angry and express it in an appropriate way, try to forget about the thing that made you angry. Do not let you hold a grudge or let the emotions that arise protracted.

Release the burden of thoughts and anger that you feel. Thus, you can be calmer in living life in the future.

In addition to how to reduce and overcome the problems above, you can also do various other things to calm your emotions and divert the anger that arises, namely:

1. Doing a physical activity, such as walking while breathing fresh air or jogging
2. Listen to your favorite music
3. Take up a hobby or activity you enjoy, such as writing, painting, sewing, or dancing
4. Doing meditation to calm the mind
5. Try something you’ve never done before, like learn to cook or take photography
6. Joke or laugh with friends and family

People react when angry differently. Some express it verbally or physically, some keep it under wraps. However, make sure you express your emotions or anger in a positive way and don’t harm yourself or others.

If the above methods of dealing with anger are not effective at making you calmer or you find it difficult to control your anger that appears and is interfering with your daily activities, you should consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.

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