Support Your Wife In Breastfeeding

After the birth of the child, the new mother often becomes busy with her child. The pain of giving birth, taking care of a newborn baby and breastfeeding it is a very challenging task. In such a situation, the mother’s entire attention is only on the child but she also needs the help of the family. Many times husbands feel neglected. He feels that his wife is not paying attention to him after the arrival of the child. In such a situation, a feeling of insecurity creeps in for some husbands.

They are attracted towards their wife and children. A good way to avoid this is that the husband should also contribute in handling the child along with his wife. And anyway, now men also get paternity leave from their jobs, so why not take advantage of this golden opportunity and be a support to their wives? After all, the child belongs to both of them. In this way, he can provide emotional support to his wife on such a delicate occasion and the child will soon start recognizing the mother as well as the father. A father can also strengthen his relationship with his child by helping his wife in his breastfeeding journey.

A father’s duty

Today this is the new era, if the wife can help her husband financially by working outside, then the husband should also help his wife when she becomes a mother. This is not only a requirement of humanity but also strengthens the relationship between father and son. The husband should remember his childhood days when he was a small child and how he needed the safe and strong support of his father. So now it is the husband’s turn to take care of his child in the same way as his father did and does even today.

The husband should also think that he can fulfill the expectations of his child which he had from his father. Fathers should also play an important role in a child’s life. Both mother and father together shape the personality of their child. When you raise your child well, when the child grows up and becomes a father, he will follow your footsteps. This is how things are created from generation to generation. This is how a healthy society is created. This is how a family is formed. … So the father should also contribute equally to the upbringing of the child like the mother.
New birth of mother with child

After delivery, the woman becomes very weak. After nine months of painful pregnancy, she has to face a lot of trouble while giving birth to a child. She gives birth to a new life by risking her own life. That is why it is said that along with the birth of the child, the mother also takes a new birth. A woman has to go through unbearable pain while giving birth to a child. At the time of delivery, there is pain in the bones, pain in the vagina, pain due to stitches in the vagina, weakness due to excessive bleeding and along with all this, she is also very scared mentally and emotionally. One has to face pain even while breastfeeding the child. Bearing so much pain, she becomes weak. Therefore, along with physical treatment, treatment of his mind is also necessary.

When your wife breastfeeds your child, help in this way-

1. Provide emotional support

When your wife is breastfeeding your little one, encourage her how much love she is giving to your baby. Because of him you have got a chance to become a father. This is the most precious moment of both of your lives. You can also give a surprise gift to your wife due to which your family is complete. Don’t forget to also express how happy the whole family is. Sit near your wife while breastfeeding.

2. Take care of your wife’s needs

The child drinks milk slowly and for a long time. So in such a situation, the mother starts feeling tired. So the husband should place pillows near his wife’s back. If the wife wants to breastfeed while lying down, then help her to lie down. Throw the sheet to the wife. You can give hot milk or juice or something to eat to your wife.

3. Change the baby’s diaper

After delivery, the mother’s body remains weak, hence she is advised not to stay in water for too long. Therefore, it would be better if you change the baby’s diaper if there is no one else in the house. With this, the mother will not have to wet her hands in water again and again. While breastfeeding, your baby will also not feel the mother’s wet and cold hands.

4. Take care of the child together with your wife

When the mother feeds the baby, the husband should take the baby in his lap and make it burp because due to weakness the mother is unable to stand up to burp the baby. Wipe the child’s mouth with a wet cloth.

5. Help with household chores

The mother needs a lot of time and patience to breastfeed the child, hence the father should do the light household chores so that the mother does not have to worry about doing those tasks. For example, clean the utensils lying in the sink. Prepare to eat. Pick up scattered things in the house and put them away. Keep the child’s dry clothes, toys, medicines, diapers, etc. in the right place.

6. Let your wife get complete sleep

When your wife’s eyes fall while breastfeeding, you should take care that her sleep is not disturbed because in such a situation it is very difficult to sleep. It is also important for the mother and child to get adequate sleep for their good health.

7. Feed the baby

When the mother is resting or busy with other work, take care of the child. If the child is awake, then talk to him lovingly, take him in your lap, keep him close to your body, only then the child will recognize his father’s touch. This is the time to develop attachment with your child. Take the baby in your lap and move it in and out of the room. Introduce him to the world.

8. Take care of your wife

After delivery, the mother needs adequate nutrition so that her breasts produce enough milk to feed her baby. Therefore, take care of his diet. It is the responsibility of the husband to arrange for the traditional nutritious items to be fed to the mother after delivery, such as Harira, fenugreek gum and laddus made from dry fruits, Sonthavara, etc. And you should also ensure that your wife eats it with hot milk from time to time. Brother, you should also handle your wife’s tantrums at this time.

9. Consult a doctor if needed

Many times, due to some reasons, milk does not come out in the breasts of a new mother or there is any problem in breastfeeding, then in such a situation, the wife should be immediately taken to the doctor. Whatever treatment the doctor suggests, it must be done because it will be better for the mother and the child.

10. Help your wife in public places

In our country, such facilities have still not been created in public places where a mother can breastfeed her child. Therefore, if your child is hungry while going out somewhere and wants to drink milk, then you should take your wife under your cover so that she can breastfeed the child.

So if you also love your child and wife, then support your wife in breastfeeding. After all, this child is a part of you and your wife has nurtured him in her womb for nine months and has given birth to your child after enduring terrible labor pains. Similarly, you too were born from your mother’s womb, so in order to show love and respect to your mother, you must fulfill your duty towards your wife. Help your wife in breastfeeding and contribute equally in the upbringing of the child.

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