Start Sitting And Feeding Your Baby Like This

Becoming a mother is the most special occasion of a woman’s life. You never know when a carefree girl turns into a responsible woman with the birth of a child! The same thing happened with me too. When I became a mother and gave birth to a daughter, I really felt that my world had changed. When I looked at my daughter in my lap, it felt as if I had a living doll in my lap.

As much as I was happy to become a mother, I also felt a lot of responsibilities. Days and months were passing and the daughter was growing a little older. Every month a new change was seen in it. When she was born, her weight was three and a half kilos and her weight was increasing every month. Seeing the chubby baby, people loved him very much. My neighbors used to come to ask me the secret of what I give to my baby in his diet.

I have been working since the beginning. That’s why I always tried to take maximum care of my baby with my own hands. Since I am a journalist, I know how to get every information about my work. …So in those days, I used to read articles related to baby care. She also took advice from her mother and mother-in-law. Mom had given me strict instructions to massage my baby both the times till he turns one year old. In this way, I raised my daughter based on new information and experiences of my elders.

When my daughter turned six months old, I started paying more attention to her diet and daily routine. When the child turns six months old, his bones start becoming stronger, in such a situation the amount of calcium, vitamin D and protein in the child’s diet should be increased little by little. I slowly started making my daughter sit. When I played with her, she would squeal and be very happy. When her father would make her lie down on her stomach, she would immediately turn over and try to touch our faces. I would make my daughter sit on her father’s lap and I would feed her. This increases bonding between parents and children.
Based on my experiences, let me tell you some tips which may be useful for you too.

Stay positive yourself

  • Before taking care of the baby, you have to pay attention to yourself also. If you remain healthy and happy, it will have a positive effect on your baby. If you work, then when the baby arrives, you should look happy and energetic, keeping aside the tiredness of the day. Seeing the mother’s smiling face, the baby will forget the whole day’s absence of the mother. And anyway, the mother forgets all her sorrows after seeing the baby.

Eat a balanced diet

  • The mother should breastfeed the baby for at least one year. Therefore, the mother must take a balanced diet so that the baby gets the necessary nutrition through the mother’s milk. Include seasonal vegetables and fruits in your diet. Drink milk yourself.

Seek advice from others

  • Diet food should be given to the baby on the advice of the pediatrician. After four months, babies are weaned, so you can give your baby tur dal water, thin porridge, rice bran, boiled apple, etc. Take full advantage of your mother-in-law’s and mother’s experiences regarding child feeding. After all, one of them is your mother and one is your husband. Your baby has DNA from both of you. Therefore his advice will be very useful for you.

Massage the baby

  • For the growth and strength of the baby’s bones, regular massage with desi massage oil is necessary. After massaging in the morning, the baby should also be exposed to mild sunlight. It is also beneficial to make the baby do exercises involving the movement of hands and legs.

My mother had instructed me to massage my daughter both the times till she turns one year old. Despite having a job, I used to massage my daughter both the times. At 6 in the morning, she would massage her daughter thoroughly with oil, feed her and put her to sleep. She would massage him with baby oil at night. After massage the baby falls into deep sleep. Which is beneficial for the health of the baby and also for the parents so that they can enjoy their personal life.

when the child tries to get up

  • At five-six months, the baby starts lifting the upper part of his body. Therefore now he should be made to sit with the support of a cushion. His understanding can be increased by showing him some toys etc. in the sitting position. At this time, the child may gradually start recognizing other members of the family apart from parents. Now the child should be made to sit and fed because now we have started feeding solid food to the child.

Feed the baby while sitting in your lap

  • When the child starts eating while sitting, he is happy to see familiar faces in front of him. If the father holds the child in his lap and mother feeds him, then the feeling of belonging and security increases in the child’s mind. The child likes the one who fills his stomach. After feeding, keep him in this position for some time so that his stomach does not get pressed. During this time, keep talking to him so that he will be able to pay attention towards you and he will feel that it is his parents who feed him.

Teach baby to sit

  • Make the child sit under your supervision for some time. Gradually he will learn to sit. Sometimes make him sit on your lap and sometimes on the bed or sofa. For this, make the baby sit on the support of a pillow. Unless you keep him sitting, do not leave him alone at all because in such a situation there is a fear of him rolling. His bones are weak now so you should be careful. Keep pillow support around it. During this time, talk to him, feed him with toys, which will keep his hands and legs moving.

Entertain baby

  • When the mother is also working, she should stay at home with the child as much as possible because he remains alone without the mother the whole day. Therefore, it is the duty of the father as well as the family members to allow the mother and child to spend time with each other. Therefore, both mom and dad should laugh and talk with the baby as long as they are with him. Talk to him cheerfully, make sounds with your mouth. Sing a song because there can be no better language than a song. In this way, while staying with the baby, keep him happy and keep him entertained. And this way you can spend quality time with the child.

So in this way gradually the baby can be taught to sit and feed and you can get the intimate pleasure of raising your baby with your own hands.

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