Sick Building Syndrome Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Sick Building Syndrome Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Sick building syndrome is a term used when someone experiences a series of complaints when doing activities in a building. The longer the time spent in the building, generally the more complaints that are felt are also getting stronger. Immediately after leaving the building, these complaints would lessen and then completely disappear.

Based on data from the World Health Organization, in 1984 alone there were at least 30 percent of buildings in the world whose construction could cause sick building syndrome. One of the most common building construction mistakes is mistakes in making air ventilation.

Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms

Some of the symptoms that can be in sick building syndrome are:

  • Headache
  • Nauseous
  • Red or dry eyes
  • Dry throat
  • Dry or itchy skin
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Tired
  • Sensitive to certain scents
  • Hoarseness
  • Allergy
  • Have frequent asthma attacks
  • Changes in mood and behavior

These symptoms will disappear when the person with sick building syndrome leaves the building.

Sick Building Syndrome Reason

Basically, each country and region has its own rules for building construction. One of the goals of these regulations or rules is to prevent sick building syndrome from occurring.

However, in reality, not all companies fully comply with this rule. Likewise in building maintenance, not everything goes well so that over time there are various complaints of sick building syndrome. 

Some of the deficiencies in the arrangement and maintenance of buildings that can trigger sick building syndrome are:

  • Inadequate ventilation
  • Chemical contamination from equipment inside the building, such as carpets, wall paint, and cigarette smoke.
  • Pollution from outside the building, for example, vehicle fumes, and pollution in sewers.
  • Biological contamination eg dust, mites, bacteria.


Determination of the diagnosis of sick building syndrome is based on medical interviews, in which complaints arise when the person is in the building. These complaints can include headaches, tired eyes, runny nose, dry cough, itchy skin, nausea, difficulty concentrating, fatigue and sensitivity to strong odors.

On physical examination, no abnormalities were found. These complaints will lessen and completely disappear after the person leaves the building.

Sick Building Syndrome Treatment

If the cause of sick building syndrome is known, maintenance related to the cleanliness and sustainability of the building must be a concern in treatment. For example, cleaning air conditioning filters, checking the smoothness of drains, installing air filters and banning smoking in buildings. 

For employees who experience sick building syndrome, limiting working hours in the office can be a solution.


If left untreated, sick building syndrome can result in a decrease in the effectiveness and work performance of employees in the building.


One thing that can prevent sick building syndrome from happening is the application of rules in designing a building. After the design and construction period, the next thing to pay attention to is maintenance. Building maintenance, keeping it healthy for its employees is an important key in avoiding sick building syndrome.

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