Seven Beautiful but Deadly Sea Animals, Don’t Touch!

The sea is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. How come? The vast ocean is inhabited by many colorful animals with beautiful shapes and unique plants. Therefore, the sea is often a favorite destination for refreshing and exercising.

Although the sea is a beautiful and exciting place, don’t let you touch anything. The reason is, not a few marine animals that look beautiful and adorable but are actually very dangerous. Yes, behind their graceful appearance, they can store poison that is ready to be released at the enemy whenever they feel threatened.

This time, we will discuss some beautiful but deadly marine animals.

1. Blue ring octopus

Blue ring octopus

The blue-ringed octopus is one of the most beautiful and tiny octopus species. This octopus is easily recognizable because of its yellow skin with a pattern of blue and black rings. Unfortunately, animals that live in the Pacific and Indian Oceans are classified as deadly.

As reported by the Ocean Info page, scientists have classified them as one of the most dangerous animals in the world. The sting of this small animal can make a person paralyzed. If a person is stung while swimming, this can result in the person drowning. Until now, researchers have not found an antidote for this poison.

2. Box jellyfish

Box jellyfish

The box jellyfish is a graceful and seemingly non-threatening sea creature. However, in fact, box jellyfish are among the most dangerous sea creatures in the world.

As reported by the Ocean Info page, a box jellyfish sting can result in death in less than five minutes. Interestingly, box jellyfish can swim and catch prey quickly. When the jellyfish’s tentacles touch the skin, the venomous nematocysts attach themselves to the body and cause excruciating pain.

3. Mantis shrimp

Mantis shrimp

The mantis shrimp is a stomatopod that can grow to 20 cm long, is colorful, and has large, bright eyes. However, these sea creatures are more dangerous than they seem. According to a study published in the journal Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical in 2021, fishermen consider mantis shrimp dangerous and tend to avoid direct contact with them because of the associated risks. So far, there have been five reports of injuries to humans caused by mantis shrimp, four by claws and one by the tail.

Mantis shrimp have a kind of stick in the front of the body, which can be used to break the shell of its prey. These small animals are also capable of hitting with a force equivalent to 22-caliber bullets. The mantis shrimp’s blow is so strong, they can even break glass aquariums. Hence, they are always stored in thick plastic containers. Even the Guinness Book of World Records states that the mantis shrimp is the animal that has the most powerful punch.

4. Cone snail

Cone snail

Cone snails live under beautiful brown, black, or white shells and don’t look dangerous. However, behind their innocent appearance, lies an extraordinary danger.

The All That Interesting page explains, cone snails have a venom that is used to electrocute and devour the small fish and mollusks they eat. Even so, sometimes this poison poses a fatal threat to humans.

Many divers are stung by poison while retrieving cone snail shells from the seabed. Although most people recover, some end in death.

5. Lionfish


Lionfish are beautiful creatures’ favorite underwater photographers. However, do not try to touch the lionfish because this unique fish is very poisonous.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, behind the fan-like fin of the lionfish is a stinger that has a very strong venom. This toxin consists of a combination of proteins, neuromuscular toxins, and a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. The sting can cause excruciating pain, sweating, respiratory problems, and even paralysis. Anyone who is stung by a lionfish should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

6. Thousand feathers

Thousand feathers or Acanthaster planci are coral polyp-eating animals on coral reefs. Just as the name suggests, this animal is covered in fur that is purplish-blue, reddish-grey, or green. They are generally 25-35 cm in diameter, but can grow up to 80 cm.

Despite their beautiful appearance, this fur contains toxins that are venomous to humans and sea creatures, according to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. The sting will cause severe pain, significant bleeding, and swelling. Symptoms usually last from 30 minutes to 3 hours and then resolve. More severe reactions can include numbness, tingling, weakness, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, headache, cough, and paralysis.

7. Blue spotted ribbon stingray

Blue spotted ribbon stingray

The blue-spotted ribbon stingray has an elongated oval body, speckled with bright blue with a blue side stripe on the tail. As reported by the South African National Biodiversity Institute page, this beautiful fish has two venomous spines, one large and one medium-sized, at the end of its tail. The two thorns are used to injure the enemy.

When humans are stung by these thorns, it can cause excruciating pain. The spines of the tail can cause quite traumatic tissue damage, bleeding, infection, and necrosis. Worse yet, removing a thorn that has penetrated a body cavity can result in very dangerous internal damage.

Next time, when you’re playing at the beach or diving, don’t touch let alone pick up any animals or plants. Because, maybe, behind its beauty, some marine animals save deadly dangers.

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