Septic Arthritis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Septic arthritis is an infection of the joints. This infection can be caused by various organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and so on. However, it is most often caused by a bacterial infection. Any joint can be affected, but the knees and hips are most commonly affected.
This disease can cause swelling and pain in the affected joint. Treatment needs to be done immediately because the infection can damage the young bone in the joint.
Septic arthritis can affect anyone. However, children under 3 years of age and the elderly, especially those over 80 years of age, are the groups most at risk of developing this disease.
Septic Arthritis Symptoms
Some of the common symptoms of septic arthritis are pain and swelling in the joints. Sufferers will also feel a burning sensation in the infected joint. The infected area will also look reddish.
In addition, other symptoms that can also appear are fever, usually high fever, chills, and fatigue. Sufferers will also find it difficult to move the joint.
Septic Arthritis Reason
Septic arthritis infection can be caused by various organisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and so on. However, bacteria are the organisms that most often cause septic arthritis. Staphylococcus, Haemophilus influenza, and Streptococcus are the most common types of bacteria that cause this infection.
Infection can occur directly, spread from infection in the tissue around the joint, or from the bloodstream. Generally, bacterial infections start from an open wound or surgery near a joint. Meanwhile, septic arthritis, which is caused by fungi, usually develops more slowly than that caused by bacteria.
Some of the risk factors thought to be associated with septic arthritis are:
- People with an innate weak immune system
- Have another health condition such as diabetes or cancer
- There is a joint injury
- Consumption of certain drugs
In determining the diagnosis of septic arthritis, the doctor will conduct a detailed history or medical interview regarding the patient’s complaints. In addition, the doctor will also carry out a physical examination to determine signs and symptoms.
Samples of blood and joint fluid (arthrocentesis) may be taken and examined in a laboratory for infection and inflammation. This examination can also help doctors determine the organism causing the infection.
Septic Arthritis Treatment
When you find signs of septic arthritis, you should immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment. The sooner it is treated, the treatment of infected joints can be done immediately without having to go through surgery.
This form of infection treatment generally consists of three phases, namely the use of antibiotics, surgery, and physiotherapy. Antibiotic treatment is given because the main cause is a bacterial infection. In addition, drugs are also given based on symptoms, such as anti-pain and anti-fever.
In addition to administering drugs, joint fluid drainage can also be carried out through arthroscopy procedures. This procedure aims to drain fluid from inside the infected joint and clear the infection completely.
Arthroscopy itself is the tool used in this procedure. Shaped hose equipped with a camera at the end. This tool will be inserted into the joint through an incision made by the doctor, to suck the infectious fluid dry.
To train and help your joints get stronger, you also need to exercise. However, make sure you have consulted a doctor or physiotherapist to determine the type of exercise or exercise that is right for your condition. This procedure may be unpleasant. However, follow the directions of the experts so that your condition recovers quickly.