Seizures Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Seizures Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Seizures are changes in the body’s condition that occur due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Generally, this disturbance of electrical activity in the brain occurs in a short time (less than 30 minutes). Symptoms of seizures can vary, but generally, during seizures, there are uncontrollable muscle contractions. 

Seizures are generally divided into two, namely:

  1. Generalized Seizures
    This type of seizure is characterized by all parts of the brain experiencing disturbances of electrical activity from the beginning to the end of the seizure.
  2. Focal seizures
    Focal seizures begin with only certain parts of the brain experiencing disturbances of electrical activity.


Symptoms of generalized seizures and focal seizures are different. In generalized seizures, the sufferer is unconscious from the start until the seizure ends. Generalized seizures are classified into: 

  • Tonic-clonic seizures: in these seizures, the patient’s body is stiff while the upper and lower extremities contract continuously (throbbing).
  • Absence seizures: the sufferer looks like he just daydreams for a few moments. But actually when daydreaming, the seizure sufferer is unconscious.
  • Myoclonic seizures: seizures that occur in the form of muscle twitches in certain parts of the body, but the person with the seizure is unconscious.
  • Atonic seizures: seizures characterized by unconsciousness and sudden weakness of the whole body

Meanwhile, in focal seizures, the sufferer is conscious during the seizure but there are body parts that move uncontrollably. For example, the mouth suddenly tasting, legs moving, and so on. Focal seizures usually last less than 2 minutes.


The most common cause of recurrent seizures is epilepsy. Epilepsy can begin to occur as a child or as an adult. 

In addition, seizures can also be caused by other diseases such as:

  • Febrile seizures (seizures that occur in children aged 6 months – 6 years, which only appear when they have a fever)
  • Blood sugar that is too low
  • Stroke or head injury
  • Congenital defects
  • Infection of the lining of the brain (meningitis) or infection of the brain (encephalitis)
  • Brain tumor
  • Eclampsia (seizures that occur in pregnant women with high blood pressure)


If a person has a seizure, the doctor will carry out various tests to determine what disease is causing the seizure. 

In seizures that are thought to be caused by epilepsy, the examination performed is an EEG (electroencephalography). This examination aims to see if there is abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

In seizures caused by an infection in the brain or in the lining of the brain, the examinations carried out are lumbar puncture (examination to take a small amount of brain fluid, done by inserting a syringe in the spine), CT scan, or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging ).


When dealing with someone who has a seizure, here is the first aid that must be done:

  1. Don’t panic.
  2. Protect the seizure sufferer from danger by laying him on the floor, away from objects that could make him hit.
  3. There is no need to hold and try to muffle the body movements of sufferers who have seizures.
  4. Do not put any object (spoon, finger, etc.) into the mouth of a person having a seizure.
  5. Call the nearest hospital, or emergency ambulance in your city (eg 118 in Jakarta).
  6. If this is not the first seizure, generally the sufferer already has a supply of anti-seizure drugs. If there is, this drug can be inserted into the anus during seizures.

After the seizure ends, generally the seizure sufferer will look sleepy or even fall asleep. This is normal. But the important thing, make sure that he is breathing regularly as usual. Loosen his clothes, don’t give him food or drink until he’s fully conscious, and prepare him to be taken to the hospital.

Treatment of seizures in the hospital depends on the cause of the seizures. If seizures are caused by epilepsy, generally the doctor will give antiepileptic drugs which must be taken continuously in the long term to prevent seizures from occurring again in the future.

If the seizures are caused by an infection, the treatment is to treat the infection. Can be given antiviral, antibiotic, antifungal, or antiparasitic depending on what germ is the cause.

When seizures occur due to blood sugar levels being too low, the main treatment is to inject a sugar solution into a vein.


Not all seizures can be prevented. Seizure prevention really depends on the cause. In seizures caused by epilepsy, prevention is by taking epilepsy drugs regularly according to the doctor’s instructions.

In seizures due to low blood sugar in diabetics, prevention is done by eating enough and taking anti-diabetic medication according to the doctor’s orders.

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