Safe Bedtime Snacks for Dieters

Here’s a list of snacks that are safe to eat at night and can actually help your diet.

The temptation to finish your snack stock sometimes comes at night, before going to bed. In fact, this habit can have a bad effect on your diet program. Weight gain is one of the effects that can lurk.

To satisfy your cravings for snacks before bed without disrupting your diet, you need to pay attention to the type of snack. Make sure the snack does not have the potential to increase weight. There are several alternatives for nighttime diet snacks that you should know if you are on a diet.

Healthy Night Time Snacks

Don’t be discouraged, snacking at night is okay. But make sure you choose healthy snacks before you go to bed. These healthy snacks are certainly safe for those of you who are on a diet. Here are some healthy snacks that you can eat at night:

1. Banana

Banana Juice

Bananas are a type of snack that can increase energy. Bananas are also rich in magnesium which plays a role in relaxing muscles and providing a calming effect.

In addition, bananas contain serotonin and melatonin which can help you fall asleep faster. Studies have shown that melatonin levels in the blood of healthy men increase fourfold after eating two bananas.

2. Kiwi


This sweet and sour fruit can be a healthy snack before bed. Kiwi calories are relatively low, which is about 93 for two kiwis. Kiwi also helps you sleep better because it contains serotonin which makes you relax.

3. Pistachio Nuts

Pistachio Nuts

Pistachios are the nuts that affect melatonin levels the most in the body compared to other nuts. One serving of pistachios (28 grams) contains 160 calories and 6.5 grams of melatonin. On average, your body needs 0.5-5 mg of melatonin to help you sleep.

4. Crackers and Cheese

Snacks that contain balanced nutrition between carbohydrates, and protein such as whole-grain crackers, and cheese can maintain the body’s blood sugar levels.

Foods rich in carbohydrates combined with cheese that is high in tryptophan are also good for the brain. The tryptophan content can cause a feeling of relaxation and drowsiness.

5. A Bowl of Cereal

Not all types of cereals are good to consume. You can choose cereals made from whole grains, such as oatmeal, as a healthy evening snack. This type of food is easier to digest and low in calories.

6. Plain Yogurt


Yogurt can be an alternative diet snack at night. But you need to choose yogurt without added flavor and sugar ( plain yogurt ). This type of snack only contains about 100-150 calories.

However, the reason for choosing yogurt as a snack at night is not only for diet. Because yogurt can also treat stomach ulcers. The acid formed in yogurt is lactic acid which helps heal wounds on the stomach wall.

To make it less bland, you can add pieces of fruit, such as strawberries or bananas. Yogurt contains calcium which is good for bone health and is also associated with better sleep quality. Calcium is needed to make melatonin.

7. Apples and Peanut Butter

Apples are high in fiber. Try combining apple slices with a spoonful of peanut butter. Peanut butter contains protein that will keep you full longer. So, there is no desire to eat again afterward.

8. Edamame

These beans are a safe snack to eat at night without having to worry about your weight soaring. Edamame that is already cooked doesn’t even need to be cooked. Edamame is rich in protein and contains tryptophan which helps the brain make melatonin.

9. Eggs


Eggs can be a good nighttime diet snack. You can cook eggs in various variations such as boiled, fried, and made into salads. In addition, eggs are also high in tryptophan so they can help your sleep quality.

10. Popcorn without salt and butter

Popcorn can be your mainstay at night because popcorn contains low calories if eaten in reasonable portions.

The fiber in popcorn can help you feel fuller longer. Be sure to choose popcorn that is prepared without added seasonings or butter to keep your calorie intake low.

11. Cucumber or carrot with hummus

Cucumber or carrot

Cucumbers and carrots are a great choice for dinner, as they are low in calories, high in fiber and contain lots of water. With balanced nutrition enriched with vitamin A which is good for eye health as well as vitamin K, vitamin C, and potassium.

12. Berries


For those of you who like sweet berries, this fruit is perfect for you, because it has a natural sweet taste and you don’t need to worry about added sugar in it.

Low in calories so you don’t have to worry about weight. High in fiber and rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids that help you fight free radicals.

13. Vegetable smoothie


Vegetable smoothies are perfect for those on a diet, as they are rich in nutrients, low in calories, and high in fiber. Easily absorbed by the body and provides additional hydration that is essential for body health during sleep.

So, eating snacks at night is no longer a bad idea for your diet program. Eating before bed is okay, as long as you choose healthy snacks before bed, namely those that are low in calories, and consume them in reasonable portions. Provide these types of healthy foods at your home, okay?

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