Process of Digestion of Food and Absorption of Nutrients in the Body

Every food consumed will go through the method of digestion of food in the body. Through this technique, energy & various types of important nutrients will be produced so that the body can function properly.

The process of digestion of food includes various organs in the digestive system, such as the stomach, liver, pancreas, bile, & intestines. Apiece organ of the body has its own function & role when digesting food.

Process of Digestion of Food and Absorption of Nutrients

After being chewed & swallowed, the food will be digested & absorbed by the nutrients, while the leftover food will be excreted through the feces by the body. This digestion process can take about 24 to 72 hours.

In addition to the type & amount of food, the length of the process of digestion of food also depends on gender, metabolism, and certain medical conditions, for example in people with digestive issues or impaired absorption of nutrients.

The following are the stages of the process of digestion & absorption of food that occur in the body:

1. Refining food in the mouth

The mouth is the starting of the digestive tract. When food is chewed in the mouth, the salivary glands create saliva to soften the food. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase that functions to process carbohydrates into glucose and energy.

After the food is finished chewing, the tongue will push the food that has been refined to the back of the mouth into the esophagus or esophagus. Next, the food will be carried to the stomach.

2. The break-down of food in the stomach

In the stomach, food and drink will be mixed with digestive enzymes and stomach acid to be broken down and refined back until it has a liquid texture or resembles a soft paste.

Stomach acid also functions to eradicate germs & viruses in food or drinks that can cause infectious diseases. After being digested in the stomach, the gastric muscles will move the food to push into the little intestine.

3. Break-down of nutrients in the small intestine

The small intestine continues the digestive process using enzymes secreted by the pancreas & bile from the liver. This enzyme is trustworthy for breaking down protein, fat, & carbohydrates from food. In addition, the bacteria in the little intestine also produce enzymes to digest carbohydrates.

4. Absorption of nutrients in the little intestine

After food is broken down, the walls of the little intestine then absorb water & nutrients from the food into the bloodstream. Meanwhile, the remains of food that is not digested or absorbed will be carried to the big intestine.

5. Compaction of food waste in the large intestine

The main job of the large intestine is to absorb water and nutrients leftover from food waste, so that it becomes denser and forms stool.

The stool is then stored in the rectum until it is pushed & expelled along with toxins, waste, & excess fluid from the body through the anus during defecation.

Adequate water and fiber are two important factors that support the smooth process of digestion & absorption of food.

Therefore, in order for the digestive function to run smoothly, you need to drink enough water at least eight glasses per day & increase the consumption of fibrous foods, such as vegetables and fruits.

You are also required to regularly check with your doctor to monitor your health condition, including the health of your gastrointestinal tract.

If you have problems in the digestive procedure & have diarrhea, constipation, malabsorption, or malnutrition, you can consult with a doctor for an examination and get the right treatment.

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