Peanut Allergy Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Peanut Allergy Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Peanut Allergy Definition

Peanut allergy is one of the most common types of allergies. In general, allergies are disorders of the body’s defense system or immune system. This condition is characterized by hypersensitivity of the immune system to the entry of substances from outside that do not actually harm the body.

Nuts are a good source of protein. However, for those who have a peanut allergy complaint, the protein in peanuts is considered a foreign object that harms the body. That is why the immune system will then overreact to peanuts.

However, not all types of nuts cause allergies. Various kinds of nuts, such as peanuts, cashews, almonds, and so on; can be perceived differently by the immune system.

Unlike allergies to other protein substances (eg egg white allergy or cow’s milk allergy) which can gradually disappear as adults, peanut allergies generally occur for life.

Peanut Allergy Reason

Peanut allergy occurs because one type of the body’s immune system called immunoglobulin E (IgE) overreacts to the protein found in nuts. When these substances enter the body, IgE will release a substance called histamine which causes various allergy symptoms.

It is not clear what causes this. However, it is known that people who have a history of allergies in the family and people who suffer from asthma are more prone to developing peanut allergies.

Peanut Allergy Diagnosis

To determine the presence of a peanut allergy, at the initial examination, the doctor will conduct a complete and thorough medical interview, especially regarding the type of nuts consumed, how much is eaten, and since when the allergy symptoms have occurred. The doctor will also perform a physical examination to look for symptoms of allergies that occur.

Further examination will be required to confirm the presence of a peanut allergy. Unfortunately, confirming a peanut allergy from a blood test or skin test is quite difficult. Sometimes it even shows negative results.

The most common way of checking is by eliminating food. Patients are asked not to eat any food containing nuts for two to four weeks. After that, the symptom improvement will be assessed. If after eliminating peanut allergy symptoms improve, it can be ascertained that the patient does have a peanut allergy.

Another way that can be done is to do a food challenge test. In this examination, the patient will be given peanuts in small doses. Then the doctor will make observations to see whether there are allergy symptoms that appear.

Peanut Allergy Symptom

Symptoms of a peanut allergy vary widely. The most severe and dangerous symptom is called an anaphylactic reaction. This condition is characterized by disturbances in breathing and blood circulation.

Symptoms that appear can include:

  • Hard to breathe
  • Swelling of the lips, around the eyes, and throat
  • Blood pressure drops suddenly, can then be immeasurable
  • Skin looks pale
  • Faint
  • In addition to anaphylaxis, peanut allergy can also cause milder symptoms such as hives on the skin, numbness around the mouth and lips, nausea and vomiting, coughing for no apparent reason, nasal congestion or runny nose.

Peanut Allergy Treatment

The main treatment for a peanut allergy is to avoid eating nuts and foods that contain nuts at all. However, if you accidentally eat foods that contain nuts and allergy symptoms develop, you will need medication to treat allergy symptoms such as antihistamines and steroids.

If the allergic symptoms that occur are severe, such as anaphylaxis, then the main treatment that must be given immediately is an adrenaline injection and treatment in a hospital. If treated too late, anaphylactic reactions can cause the allergy sufferer to die.

Peanut Allergy Prevention

To prevent peanut allergies, the best way is not to eat peanuts. Depending on the severity of the allergy, those with very severe reactions are advised not to eat foods containing nuts at all. The Truth About Peanut Allergies See Reactions Video Below:

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