Paralysis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Paralysis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Paralysis is referred to as paralysis in medical language. Paralysis is the loss of the function of moving the muscles (motor) of one or more parts of the body’s muscles. This condition can be accompanied by loss of feeling or sensory in certain areas.

Paralysis can also occur temporarily or permanently. Treatment of paralysis depends on the cause of paralysis.

The type of paralysis is divided into several classes depending on:

  • Location

    • Local, occurs in one part of the body such as the hand or face
    • Common, occurs in several parts of the body
      • monoplegia, one hand or leg
      • hemiplegia, one hand and foot on the same side
      • paraplegia, both feet
      • quadriplegia or tetraplegia, both hands and feet
  • Severity level

  • Paralysis can occur partially or totally.

If it’s partial, the sufferer can still control some of the muscles in the affected part. If the total, the patient can not control all the muscles in the affected part.

  • Duration

The paralysis that occurs can be temporary, as in the case of Bell’s palsy, which is a condition of temporary paralysis of the facial muscles. Cases of stroke can also cause temporary or permanent paralysis.

  • Flaccid or spastic

The type of paralysis can be flaccid (flaccid) or spastic (rigid). The flaccid type will cause the muscles to shrink and become flaccid, thus causing muscle weakness. Spastic paralysis causes the muscles to become tight and hard so that sometimes the muscles spasm or twitch uncontrollably.


Paralysis gives symptoms of losing the ability to move one muscle or many muscles of the body. Sometimes sufferers can also feel a sensation of numbness or numbness before paralysis occurs.


Paralysis can occur from birth or accidents or complications of the disease. The three main causes of paralysis are stroke, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis. Other causes include cerebral palsy, post-polio syndrome, brain injury, neurofibromatosis, and congenital abnormalities.


The doctor will suspect paralysis from the symptoms and a detailed medical interview. A physical examination is carried out to determine which part of the body is experiencing paralysis and find out its type. Supporting examinations will also be carried out such as X-rays, CT- scans, MRI, and others.


Treatment of paralysis depends on the cause of the paralysis. Some of the treatment options that can be done include:

  • surgery
  • physical therapy
  • job therapy
  • use of assistive devices such as wheelchairs, wires, or others
  • medications such as botox or muscle relaxants

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