How can an Orange and Kiwi Smoothie help with Weight Loss?

orange and kiwi smoothie for Weight loss

Winter season has started in entire India including Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. With the arrival of the winter season, people are once again eager to eat many dishes, chikki, jaggery bars, and pares made from jaggery. Winter is the season to eat as you do not find it difficult to digest anything.

Although there are many special things about the winter season, there is a lot of confusion about this season. Most people believe that there is no sweating in the winter season, due to which it is difficult to lose weight (Weight Loss in Winters). If you also think like this then it is wrong.

Winter season is considered best for weight loss. If you are also planning to lose weight in winter, then today we are going to tell you an easy smoothie recipe. For weight loss in winter, you can try orange and kiwi smoothies. Let us know about the recipe for making orange and kiwi smoothies and the benefits of drinking it.

Kiwi and Orange Smoothie Recipe for Weight Loss


Kiwi Fruit – 2 bowls (cut into small slices)

Apple – 1 bowl – (cut into small slices)

Oranges – 4

Cardamom – to taste

Honey – 2 teaspoons


Peel the kiwi and cut it into quarters.

Peel the apple and cut it into small pieces.

Now put orange, apple and kiwi in a grinder and grind them.

Add honey and cardamom to this mixture as per your taste.

Grind this mixture again in the grinder for 2 minutes.

Your fresh kiwi and orange smoothie is ready.

When to consume orange and kiwi smoothie?

For weight loss, you can consume a kiwi and orange smoothie in breakfast, lunch, and dinner anytime as per your convenience. Adequate amounts of nutrients and fiber are found in kiwi and orange. Consuming fiber-rich foods makes the stomach feel full for a longer period of time, which prevents you from overeating and eating junk food. Not overeating helps in weight loss.

Health benefits of kiwi and orange smoothie

Makes immunity stronger

Orange is a fruit rich in Vitamin C, while Kiwi also contains Vitamin E, C, and potassium. All these nutrients can help in strengthening the immunity of the body. People who fall ill frequently during the winter season are also advised to consume kiwi and orange smoothies regularly.

Good for heart health

heart health

The nutrients in kiwi and orange help in keeping the arteries healthy. It is also considered beneficial for the heart. Vitamin E found in Kiwi is also very beneficial for the skin.

Keeps blood pressure under control

If you have problems related to blood pressure then you are advised to consume orange and kiwi smoothies. Many such properties are found in orange and kiwi which keep blood pressure normal.

beneficial in arthritis


Consuming oranges and kiwi also provides relief from arthritis. Consuming kiwi and orange smoothies regularly reduces pain, stiffness, and swelling in joints. Besides, swelling of the body can also be reduced.

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