Neurodermatitis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Neurodermatitis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Neurodermatitis, also known as chronic lichen simplex, is a skin condition that has the main symptom of itching. These complaints appear more often when the sufferer is experiencing unstable emotional turmoil, stress, or anxiety.


The main symptom of neurodermatitis is itching of the skin. This itching complaint can occur in any part of the body, but most often it is on the arms, lower legs, and on the back of the neck. Not infrequently, complaints of itching also occur around the anus or around the penis and vagina.

What is typical of neurodermatitis is that complaints of itching are felt more when the sufferer is experiencing stress or anxiety. Sometimes complaints of itching are also felt while resting. In addition, another characteristic symptom is that the more you scratch, the more itchy the skin will be.

Initially, this complaint did not show abnormalities in the skin at all. However, over time due to frequent scratching, the part of the skin that is often scratched will thicken and look thick scaly. Not infrequently, there is also an open wound in that part due to the sufferer’s own scratching.

Sometimes, the symptoms of neurodermatitis are similar to those of eczema (atopic dermatitis) and psoriasis. The thing that sets it apart is:

  • In eczema, itching generally occurs in various locations. But most often it is in areas of folds (such as the folds of the elbows and knees). Meanwhile, in neurodermatitis, itching occurs more often in one location.
  • In psoriasis, thickened skin usually occurs in several locations. If healthy skin is injured, the injured skin will become thick and scaly. In addition, the scales in psoriasis are silvery. These things do not happen in neurodermatitis.


The cause of neurodermatitis is not known with certainty. However, psychological factors play a role in the occurrence of this disease. People who tend to be unable to withstand stress or experience severe stress are more prone to experiencing this disorder.

In addition, there are other conditions that make a person more susceptible to neurodermatitis, namely:

  • Have a history of skin diseases such as eczema (atopic dermatitis), psoriasis, or contact dermatitis.
  • Psychiatric disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Have a history of nerve injury
  • Insect bites
  • The habit of wearing tight clothes, especially from wool, rayon, or polyester.
  • Dry skin
  • People who sweat easily


To confirm the diagnosis of neurodermatitis, generally no additional tests are needed. Enough with a complete interview and thorough examination, especially on the patient’s skin, usually, the doctor can confirm whether there is neurodermatitis.

Doctors will usually ask the following:

  • Since when does itching occur?
  • Does itching occur continuously or does it come and go?
  • What is usually done to reduce itching?

New additional examinations will be carried out if the doctor suspects a bacterial infection of the skin that has neurodermatitis. The doctor will examine the skin swab and look at it under a microscope to determine whether there is a bacterial infection.


Treatment of neurodermatitis includes several things, namely:

  • Prohibition to scratch or rub itchy skin

This is the main treatment for neurodermatitis. No matter how itchy, as much as possible avoid scratching or rubbing itchy skin. This action will trigger the itching to appear even worse.

  • Cold compress

Patients are advised to apply compresses to the affected areas of the skin with ice or cold water for five minutes before applying other skin medicines. This action will help increase the absorption of the drug that is applied to the skin.

  • Corticosteroids and antihistamines

Corticosteroids can be given in the form of ointments or injections, depending on the judgment of the dermatologist providing the treatment. This drug works to reduce swelling, itching, and redness of the skin. Antihistamine tablets can also help reduce itching.

  • moisturizer

Skin moisturizer should also be used to prevent dry skin. This is important because dry skin will trigger even more itching.

  • Consultation

In addition to these treatments, dealing with anxiety and stress as part of treatment is also very important. To deal with anxiety and stress, if needed, people with neurodermatitis should consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. Generally, psychiatrists can do psychotherapy and provide anti-anxiety drugs.


To prevent neurodermatitis, people who are prone to this complaint are highly recommended to control stress with better stress management. If itchy skin has occurred due to stress, avoid scratching or rubbing the skin.

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