Messy Sleep Patterns? Follow 10 Ways to Improve This Sleep Pattern

Shift work until the night, staying up late because you want to watch football, to jet lag due to traveling can cause disturbed sleep patterns. Fortunately, there are various ways to improve your sleep pattern that you can easily try at home.

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1. Various ways to improve sleep patterns so that the body is energized

Various ways to improve sleep patterns so that the body is energized

Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep every day. A awake sleep pattern can help protect your energy and fitness in the morning.

However, when the sleep pattern is disturbed, the body will feel lethargic and drowsy. If this happens, here’s how to improve sleep patterns that you can do.

1. Turn off the lights

When your sleep pattern is disturbed and you have trouble falling asleep, try turning off the lights in your bedroom. When the body is exposed to light, the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin) stops. However, if your room is pitch black, your brain will produce the hormone melatonin, which can trigger sleepiness.

2. Relax yourself

If you experience stress and anxiety disorders, your body will produce stress hormones (cortisol) so you will have trouble sleeping.

Learning to relax can help you fall asleep so that your sleep patterns can be improved. Therefore, you can do various relaxation activities such as:

1. Yoga
2. Stretch the body
3. Meditation
4. Breathing exercises
5. Writing
6. Drink caffeine-free tea.

3. Avoid napping too late

Napping is not forbidden, especially when you have free time to do it. However, if your sleep pattern is being disturbed, try to avoid naps during the day so you don’t have trouble sleeping at night.

If you really have to take a nap, do it for 30 minutes. In addition, you are also advised to take a nap before 3 pm so that your sleeping hours at night are not disturbed.

4. Exercising

One of the most effective ways to improve sleep patterns is to exercise regularly. This is because most of the body’s tissues, including skeletal muscle, are connected to the body’s biological clock. If you exercise regularly, your muscles will respond by aligning your circadian rhythm (wake-sleep cycle).

Exercising regularly can also increase the production of the hormone melatonin in the body so that your sleep patterns at night will be maintained.

5. Avoid noise

A calm atmosphere without any noise is one of the requirements to get a good sleep pattern. Therefore, try turning off the television and cell phone while you sleep so that there is no disturbing noise.

If you live in a noisy environment, try using white noise, aka sounds that can put you to sleep.

White noise can be generated from turning on the fan or air conditioner. In addition, there are already mobile applications that can produce white noise and you can download them for free.

6. Pay attention to the room temperature

Body temperature will drop in preparation for bedtime. Setting the air conditioner between 15-19 degrees Celsius can help your body feel comfortable so you can fall asleep.

A study from the National Institutes of Health found that room temperature is an important factor in maintaining a good sleep pattern.

On the other hand, a room temperature below 12 degrees Celsius or above 24 degrees Celsius can disrupt your sleep.

7. Pay attention to the ‘age’ of mattresses and pillows

Mattresses and pillows that have been used for a long time can cause pain so that sleep quality can be disrupted.

Experts recommend replacing mattresses every 10 years, while pillows should be replaced every 2 years.

8. Avoid eating too close to bedtime

Eating too close to bedtime can make it difficult to fall asleep. Finally, you are forced to stay up late.

In addition, avoid caffeine before bed so that you can more easily fall asleep and sleep soundly.

9. Have a regular bedtime

Establishing a regular sleep and wake schedule is one of the most important ways to improve your sleep pattern. By having a regular bedtime every day, your biological clock will have a new routine. Over time, sleep patterns will improve.

10. Melatonin Supplements

Although melatonin is a hormone made by the brain, you can also get this hormone from supplements. With the right dose, melatonin supplements are considered safe and can help you to maintain sleep patterns.

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