Lazy Eyes Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Lazy Eyes Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Lazy eye is a condition of decreased vision in one eye as a result of abnormal vision development during infancy or childhood. This health disorder is also known as amblyopia in the medical world.

Amblyopia generally occurs in children from birth to 7 years of age. This eye disorder is one of the vision disorders that is quite often observed in children.

In rare cases, amblyopia can affect both eyes. Early detection and treatment of amblyopia can help prevent long-term vision problems.

Lazy Eyes Symptom

Signs and symptoms of lazy eye include:

  • Eyes that turn inward or outward
  • The eyes don’t seem to coordinate well
  • Poor depth perception
  • Crossing or closing the eyes
  • Tilt the position of the head when looking at something

Sometimes, lazy eye has no signs or symptoms and an eye exam is needed to make a diagnosis.

Lazy Eyes Reason

Lazy eye can occur due to visual disturbances that change the nerve pathways between the retina, which is at the back of the eye, and the brain. Weaker eyes receive less visual signals.

As the complaint progresses, the brain begins to ignore signals from the weaker eye, which then gives rise to the observed symptoms.

Some of the causes that can generally cause lazy eye are:

  • Cockeye

Also known as strabismus. One of the most common causes of lazy eye is an imbalance in the muscles that position the eye. This imbalance can cause the eyes to shift in or out, and prevent the eyes from working together in good coordination.

  • The difference in visual acuity between the two eyes

Or also known as refractive anisometropia. A significant difference between the visual power of the two eyes can cause lazy eye. Glasses or contact lenses can be used to correct the refractive error. In some children, lazy eye is caused by a combination of strabismus and refractive error.

  • Visibility deprivation

Certain health problems, such as cloudy areas of the lens ( cataracts ), can cause a marked reduction in vision in that eye. This can lead to deprivation-induced amblyopia, which requires urgent treatment to prevent complete loss of vision. 


Diagnosis of lazy eye can be done through a complete eye physical examination. The doctor will see a difference in the power of vision between the two eyes or a decrease in the power of vision in both eyes.

Methods for checking vision depend on the age and stage of development of the child:

  • In children who can not speak

Magnification tools accompanied by a light can be used to see the presence of cataracts. Other tests can also be performed to assess the child’s ability to fix his gaze following a moving object.

  • In children aged 3 years and over

Examination can be done using pictures or letters to assess the child’s vision. Each eye is closed first to examine the other eye.

Lazy Eyes Treatment

It’s important to start lazy eye treatment right away. Good results were observed in children treated before 7 years of age. About half of children who get treatment between the ages of 7–17 years can show a response to treatment.

Treatment options depend on the cause of lazy eye and how far the condition affects the child’s vision. Some examples of treatments that can be done include:

  • Corrective glasses or contact lenses

Glasses and contact lenses can treat problems such as nearsightednessfarsightedness, or astigmatism, which can cause lazy eye.

  • Blindfold

To stimulate the weaker eye, the child can use an eye patch on the stronger eye. The cover can be used for about two to six hours each day but must follow the advice of a doctor.

  • Eye drops

Certain types of eye drops may be given to temporarily blur vision in the stronger eye. This will increase the work of the weaker eye and is used as an alternative to an eye patch. However, the use of this drug must be according to indications and a doctor’s prescription.

  • Surgery

In crossed eyes, the doctor may suggest performing a surgical procedure to repair the eye muscles. Eyelid disorders and cataracts are also examples of disorders that may require surgery.

Before determining treatment, it is very important to consult with an ophthalmologist first. The doctor will do a detailed medical interview and physical eye examination in person to determine possible causes and the most appropriate treatment.

In some children with lazy eye who are detected and treated early and appropriately, vision can improve within a few weeks to several months.


Prevention of lazy eye or amblyopia is by early detection and treatment of eye health conditions such as squint (strabismus), astigmatism, cataracts, and other causes of decreased vision.

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