Know Symptoms Of Sexual Abuse In Children

How to know if your child has been sexually abused?

“I wish you had told me, I would have definitely stood with you. why did not you tell me?” A mother asked her 8-year-old son when he finally confessed about the sexual abuse he suffered.

Child sexual abuse is one of the most sensitive topics that parents have to deal with. It may be worth you to read my articles on what is child sexual abuse, how to help you protect your child from child sexual abuse and the side effects of child sexual abuse, what is child sexual abuse, how to protect your child Help Before I talk about some children’s incidents and explain why some children do not tell about it. I want to show some warning signs in child abuse cases.

We, parents, are always worried about our children. We wish him all the best. We give them the best we can. We love them the most. Then why don’t our children talk to us? Where is the problem?

Why don’t children talk to their parents despite having a ‘normal’ environment at home?

Children often do not talk about abuse because they feel it is their fault, or feel that their parents will not believe them or, they have been reassured by their abuser that it is normal or There is a ‘special secret’. Children may also be bribed or threatened by their abuser. A child who is sexually abused may care about their abuser and worry about them in trouble.

Why do some children immediately talk to their trusted adult?

“Warning sign” is really another way of saying “opportunity for prevention” – a chance for adults to recognize potential risks and take the necessary actions to protect their children.

Children often show us that something is bothering them rather than telling us. There can be many reasons for changes in their behavior, but if we notice a combination of worrying signs it may be time to call for help or advice.

What to look for in your kids:

1. misbehaving with toys or objects

2. You feel your baby staying close to you normally or very much

3. to become secret

4. sudden personality changes or becoming insecure

5. sudden bed-wetting, thumb sucking

6. inexplicable or sudden fear of a particular place or people

7. Words or adult words for body parts or behavior

8. Unexplained money or gifts.

9. nightmares, sleep problems

10. don’t want to be alone with a particular person

11. Physical symptoms, such as, unexplained rashes, pain or bruising around the genitals or mouth, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy.

Any one of the above signs does not necessarily mean that a child has been or is being sexually abused, but if multiple signs are observed, you should start asking questions and consider seeking help. Keep in mind that some of these signs may also be from different areas of stress.

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