Know Bacteremia Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Bacteremia Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Bacteremia or septicemia is a serious infection of the bloodstream.


Bacteremia or septicemia is a serious infection of the bloodstream. Bacteremia occurs when a bacterial infection occurs in other parts of the body such as the skin, and lungs and the infection spread to the bloodstream.

Bacteremia is a serious and dangerous condition because the bacterial infection and its toxins can spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. This condition can be life-threatening and requires treatment in a hospital.

If left untreated and untreated bacteremia can become sepsis. Sepsis is inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation can cause blood clots and prevent oxygen from reaching vital organs causing organ failure. Inflammation that occurs with very low blood pressure is septic shock.

The mortality rate from sepsis is 28–50 percent. In septic shock, almost all cases lead to death.


Bacteremia is caused by an infection in another part of the body. The infection that occurs is usually severe enough to cause bacteremia. Infections that can usually spread and cause bacteremia are infections of the urinary tract, lungs or pneumonia, kidney, and stomach area.

The bacteria that cause the infection enters the bloodstream and multiply rapidly, causing symptoms.

Some risk factors that increase the risk of bacteremia include:

  • doing operation
  • secondary hospital infection
  • have severe cuts or burns
  • very young or very old
  • taking drugs that suppress the immune system such as steroids or chemotherapy
  • have a low immune system such as leukemia and HIV sufferers
  • using a urinary catheter
  • using a respirator or mechanical ventilator


It is quite difficult to determine the diagnosis of bacteremia and find out the source of infection from bacteremia. Several series of tests are needed to establish the diagnosis of bacteremia.

The doctor will conduct medical interviews and physical examinations to look for signs and symptoms of bacteremia such as body temperature and blood pressure. Some of the tests that will be performed include:

  • urine
  • wound fluid
  • lung fluid or sputum
  • blood
  • X-ray
  • MRIs
  • CT scan
  • ultrasound


Symptoms of bacteremia are very rapid and sufferers usually look very sick. Symptoms include:

  • chills
  • fever
  • quick breath
  • fast heartbeat
  • confusion
  • nausea and vomiting
  • red spots on the skin
  • a small amount of tubs
  • insufficient blood circulation (shock)


Treatment of bacteremia must be carried out in a hospital, even if patients will usually be on the beach in the ICU ( intensive critical unit ) room. Treatment depends on the patient’s condition including age, health, disease severity, and drug tolerance.

Antibiotic drugs are used to treat bacteremia. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually used because there is no time to find out what type of bacteria is causing the infection. After the type of bacteria can be identified, then it can be replaced with more specific antibiotics.

Patients are also given fluid support through an infusion to maintain blood pressure and prevent blood clots. Oxygen assistance through a mask or even a ventilator machine to support breathing is also needed.


Bacteremia is caused by a spreading bacterial infection. The way to prevent bacteremia is to treat bacterial infections that occur before they get worse and spread through the blood circulation.

According to Audiopedia what is Bacteremia?

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