Information About Cradle Cap In Child

Things to Know About Cradle Cap

Oily or crusty patches on a baby’s head are called cradle caps.

How to Avoid Cradle Cap?

  • Irrespective of the climate or season of the place where you live, make sure that you give the baby a head bath every day or at least on alternate days.
  • Apply the oil every day after bathing using a mild baby shampoo. Parents may be hesitant about giving a head bath, fearing that the child may catch a cold. But this is a myth.
  • Washing their hair every day helps them sleep better.
  • Always use a dry towel to dry the baby’s head.

How to treat existing cradle caps?

Follow these steps if your baby already has a cradle cap:

  • Start applying oil and take a head bath daily
  • Mix 1/2 cup of Savlon (Savlon cap) in 1 cup of warm water and massage gently using cotton and clean the cradle cap by dipping it in Savlon water. Do this gently and for no more than 2 or 3 minutes.
  • If your baby is above 6 months and his fontanels have already closed, oil and comb with a soft brush every day. The patch will come out.
  • Be sure to change and clean their pillowcases regularly.

The cradle cap is non-contagious and is much like dandruff. This is neither a matter of concern nor a problem. It may itch and look ugly. But good care can absolutely help to get rid of it.

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