It is very important to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep for good health. Especially for children, if we talk about newborn babies, they often sleep a lot after birth. But their sleeping time is completely different. Sometimes she sleeps the whole day and sometimes she sleeps afternoon, in such a situation it becomes difficult for the mother to get complete sleep. putting a newborn to sleep It is not easy. Because babies often remain awake the whole night.
Let us know 5 such ways by which both the baby and the mother can get comfortable sleep.
1. Choose The Right Room
The child’s room should be such that sunlight and air come easily. Do not allow dampness, dust or dirt anywhere in the room. Make a mini nursery in your room for the newborn baby. In which safety toys are kept and also there is a comfortable bed. If a newborn baby is to be put to sleep, there should not be any noise in the room and the room should be kid-friendly.
2. Fatigue Necessary For Deep Sleep
Try to keep the newborn baby playing throughout the day. Newborn babies respond to toys after 1 to 2 months. But keep in mind that only those toys should be kept which the child should not put in his mouth. If the newborn sleeps in the evening, then let his sleep be complete. But if the baby sleeps from evening till night then you should keep the baby busy throughout the day. Newborns often fall asleep while breastfeeding. In such a situation, pick up the baby in your lap and rotate it for some time. To keep the baby busy, not only toys, but also keep talking while walking in your lap.
3. Takes A Quick Nap In Mother’s Lap
It is best for the baby to stay in the lap. You should fix a time like if it is winter time then you can take the child and sit in the sun. Winter sunlight is very beneficial for a newborn baby. Then in the evening, breastfeed well and let your newborn play with other members of the house. By nightfall, the baby started falling asleep on his own.
By doing this the baby also started understanding the difference between day and night. Although it will take some time to get into this routine, after a week your baby’s sleeping time will be set and it will be easier for you to put the newborn to sleep.
4. Dim The Lights
There should be a quiet environment in the room for sleeping at night, even the slightest noise wakes up the newborn. Therefore, make the room dark and with very moderate lighting so that you sleep comfortably at night. If you want to put a newborn baby to sleep, then the baby’s stomach should be full before sleeping.
5. Massage And Bath
Massage before sleeping is a method that every mother should try. Be it winter or summer, you will be lukewarm. massage the baby with oil And pat it lovingly. You will see for yourself that the baby will fall asleep comfortably within a few minutes. Bathe the baby with normal water in the summer season and use lukewarm water in winter. After bathing, the baby’s muscles get relaxed and he falls into a deep sleep.
It is not easy to put babies to sleep, in such a situation it becomes difficult for the mother to get complete sleep. For this, you should develop the habit of letting your child sleep with your husband also. Because only if you get enough sleep, you will be able to remain mentally and physically fit. There should be no hesitation in taking help from the family in raising the child.