Hypothermia Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Hypothermia Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Hypothermia is a condition in which the body temperature drops drastically and can be dangerous for the person experiencing it. Normally, body temperature is in the range of 37o C. In hypothermia, body temperature drops below 35o C. If not treated immediately, hypothermia can be life-threatening to the sufferer.

When body temperature drops drastically, the heart, brain and other important organs cannot work optimally. As a result, various organ work disorders and overall body functions will also decrease.

There are people who are more at risk of experiencing hypothermia than other people. Some of them are like:

  • Elderly people, babies and children
  • People with mental disorders
  • People who do a lot of outdoor activities for a long time
  • People who are unconscious due to the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Be in an open space


The initial symptom that appears when a person experiences hypothermia is chills. Shivering is actually the body’s ‘resistance’ mechanism in facing extreme temperatures. By shivering, body heat generated through muscle movement will increase. The goal is to maintain normal body temperature.

Apart from chills, other symptoms that can appear include:

  • Talk babbling

  • Short and slow breaths

  • Weak pulse

  • Lack of concentration

  • Weak

  • Loss of consciousness

  • In infants, the skin looks red and feels cold


Hypothermia is associated with cold temperatures. When in a cold environment, the body threatens to lose up to 90 percent of its warmth. This condition occurs even more quickly when the cold environment is in the form of water, whether it’s bathing or swimming in very cold water.

But normally, the body has a regulation of temperature regulation. Slowly the body will try to increase the temperature inside to compensate for the temperature outside. Thus the temperature will be maintained in balance.

One effort to increase body temperature is by shivering. Through muscle movement, the body’s metabolism will increase so that the temperature will slowly rise.

However, if the body is in an environment with extreme cold temperatures, the decrease in body temperature will occur very quickly and cannot be matched by the ability to regulate this temperature. As a result, body temperature will also drop far below normal. Blood vessels in the body also shrink so that blood circulation becomes disturbed.

Some things that can cause this condition are:

  • The weather is too cold
  • Being in an environment with strong gusts of wind
  • Soak or swim in cold water for a long time


The diagnosis of hypothermia is made on the basis of a detailed medical interview, in which the doctor will find a history of prolonged exposure to cold environments. In addition, the doctor will also carry out a physical examination, where a body temperature will be found below 35o C.

People who are diagnosed with hypothermia will also experience some typical symptoms. For example, such as chills, decreased concentration, slurred speech or decreased consciousness.


Hypothermia is an emergency situation that requires immediate medical attention. While waiting for medical help to arrive, the steps to take are as follows:

  • Remove wet clothes, hats, gloves, and shoes.
  • Protect the person experiencing hypothermia with dry, warm clothes and blankets, layering if necessary.
  • Move to a dry and warm place.
  • If the patient is conscious, give warm water. Do not give anything to drink to someone who is unconscious because there is a risk of choking.

If the patient is unconscious and has no pulse, immediately perform resuscitation with the help of breathing and heart massage ( cardio-pulmonary resuscitation/CPR ).


If not treated immediately, hypothermia can cause skin damage due to extreme temperatures. It can also cause tissue death due to circulatory disorders.


To prevent hypothermia, keeping the body warm is the main key. In addition, there are also several efforts that can be done, such as:

  • Always wear a jacket or layered clothing when the temperature is cold.

  • Don’t swim when it’s cold.

  • Do not linger outside the room when the wind blows hard.

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